Relationships Usually Begin Unexpectedly

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Arizona's POV:

From that 1st lunch in the hospital and then the Saturday date a few days after, Renee and I had become love-sick, inseparable, sappy, teenagers. I'm sure my feelings for the Optometrist had become obvious to my friends and colleagues at work, although, nobody had said anything at this point. Until Teddy cornered me today in my office while slamming the door shut.

"Is there a reason you haven't responded to any of my texts or voicemails in the last two-plus weeks?! Are you mad at me? Have you taken a vow of silence? Or, are you too busy having sex with your new girlfriend?!" Teddy asked, or rather jokingly, insisted that I answer her.

I immediately felt a huge knot form in my throat while my mouth simultaneously became dry. The combo made swallowing impossible as I contemplated what to say next to Teddy. 

Renee and I had decided not to go public just yet, because of what a rumor-mill the hospital can be. We had already decided (3 weeks ago when we started dating and after spending time together for a week prior) that we wanted to figure out if we worked before being put in the hospital dating spotlight. Craaap. How do I respond?!

"Ummm, I took a vow of silence," I tried to joke, "I gave it up this morning though, so you're in luck!" 

Teddy just glared at me for what felt like an eternity. "You really expect me to buy that line of BS you're using to cover up whatever it is you are covering up? I thought we were close friends that shared everything with one another? What are you hiding from me? Are you in trouble?"

"I'm not in trouble," I tried to explain.

"Just the opposite, I'm happy. I just need to keep quiet about my relationship till we are ready to be open."

"Are you having an affair with someone that is married?" Teddy inquired.

"No, and that's one reason I want to be on stable ground with this person before going public...The hospital rumor-mill." 

"C'mon Arizona, you made it sound like you are in a secret love affair there for a moment. Who is it? You can tell me, I won't say a thing to anyone!"

"I'm not going to tell you no matter how much you badger me, Teddy!"

"OMG, it's that Optometrist I met in your office 3 weeks ago! You told me you guys were having a consult over lunch about kids and vision loss! I'm SO right on this, I knew something was up that day!! I thought you were acting skittish that afternoon when I walked in unexpectedly!! Now I know why!"

I must have blushed from head to toe, unconsciously, because Teddy started doing this obnoxious, "I Knew it Dance," to her own moves, music and lyrics. To say it wasn't pretty doesn't quite give her performance justice. However, it wasn't pretty.

"Teddy, I need you to do me a favor and keep quiet about this, OKAY? It's important Renee and I find our stability before dealing with the public, especially the hospital staff. Plus, I haven't spoken with Callie yet and she needs to hear this from me, not a former Ortho nurse she worked with at Grey Sloan, on the 7th floor, 3 years ago. Got it?!"

"I get it and promise I won't say a thing to anyone without your permission. It sounds like you and Renee are getting serious? How's the sex? You have been glowing the last few weeks so it must be amazing!"

I sighed, "Actually, we've been taking it slow and haven't had sex just yet. We've been close, but are making sure we aren't rushing into a serious relationship too quickly. We both were in serious, long-term relationships, prior to meeting. Before we get too invested, we decided to get to know one another. However, I have a feeling it's going to happen soon since both of us can't seem to keep our hands off each other this last week. Makes it impossible to go out in public," I said as I winked and smirked.

"Rough life for you, it sounds terrible and I couldn't be happier for you. Does she get you the way Callie did?"

"No," I answered. " She gets me the way I am now, in relation to who I've become and who I am with her. She completely gets me and wants to be with me nonetheless. I can't imagine my life without her after spending the last month together."

"I think I need to tell Callie about Renee in the next week so she has time to digest it before Sophia comes to visit in the upcoming weeks. I want Sophia, myself and Renee to spend time together during the holiday weeks and don't want to catch Callie off guard. I'm not looking for Callie's permission, but also want her to be aware. I've never introduced anyone I dated over the years to Soph, but I've never been this serious about anyone since, well, Callie."

"Sounds like you have things figured out and I am truly happy for you! She's cute and seems kind from the limited interaction I had with her. If she makes you happy and takes care of you, that's all I care about."

"Renee does that and more. She's been wanting to host a dinner at the house with my friends sometime in the near future, care to be the 1st friend? I'll talk with Renee and figure out days to propose to you and your crazy schedule."

"Sounds perfect! I look forward to seeing you both soon. Btw, I'm actually glad you didn't take a vow of silence, although, you would have made a fantastic, "Charades," partner going forward if you had taken a vow of silence!" 

I proceeded to throw a foam stress ball above Teddy's head as she exited my office and headed back to the Cardio wing while I was hollering, "You Cardio people think you're SO funny!" I was laughing the entire time I uttered my "insult," and so was Teddy.

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