Love Isn't Always Easy

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Arizona's POV:

I was initially surprised at how easy it was to take time away from my career. I know my depression played a key role in my lack of enthusiasm I normally had for being a surgeon, but I was so mentally exhausted, I didn't find myself caring about things I normally would or did care about. Which apparently translated into me becoming a complete slug of a human being.

Callie was incredibly tolerant of my behavior, at least for the initial first 4 days, by the 5th day however, her patience had started wearing thin. That morning as I was laying in bed and Callie and Sophia were getting ready, my wife closed our bedroom door, sat down on the bed and started having a serious conversation with me.

"Arizona Robbins, I have tried to be supportive and patient with you these last few days, but I really am concerned about you. You hardly move from our bed and when you do, I think it's just to appease me, you park on the couch in the media room. You have been living in your pajamas and frankly, you are starting to not smell so good since you haven't showered in 4 days."

"I know Callie, but I just don't have the energy to do much of anything."

"Doesn't it concern you that our daughter keeps asking me if her Mama is going to be okay?"

I just shrugged my shoulders since I didn't know what to say to Callie. I think that inflamed her a bit, because her voice seemed to raise in volume after that.

"Our friends at work keep asking about you... what do you want me to tell them? In fact, Teddy wants to know why you won't respond to her texts or phone calls."

"Tell her I am not feeling well and I'm taking time off."

"Arizona, why can't you tell Teddy the same thing? She's one of your closest friends and is genuinely worried about you, as are a lot of people including me."

"Callie, I just can't deal with anyone right now and need time for myself."

"Arizona, I get you are at a crossroads right now, but at some point, you need to make a decision and follow whatever it is you decide. Watching you waste away, in bed, does nobody any good. Not you, not me and especially not our daughter. She's gotten used to saying goodbye to you every morning this week while you lay here feeling sorry for yourself. Maybe it's time for us to find you a professional to talk with."

"Feeling sorry for myself?! Oh, and I need professional help now because I am having a personal crisis?!" I had raised my voice at Callie by this point.

"Nice to know you don't support me in my time of need, Callie. You seem to think I can just fit everything into a neat, little box, put it on a shelf and just continue on like nothing has happened?"

"Support you? Are you kidding me? I have gone out of my way to support you this last week. I have taken Sophia to school and picked her up everyday. I have done our grocery shopping, made meals and packed our daughter's lunches. I've done laundry, payed bills and managed to work the entire time. How dare you suggest that I am not supportive because you can't figure out your life." Callie was yelling at this point, which caused me to start yelling too.

"God forbid I need a little support from you for a change, Calliope! I have helped you through crisis after crisis since we've been together and the one time I need a little understanding, you throw it in my face! If this is you being a sympathetic wife, I'd hate to see what you're like when you're ignoring me."

"Arizona Robbins, do you hear how you are sounding right..." There was a faint knock on our door just then.

"Moms, is everything okay?" It was, of course, Sophia. She had an air of concern in her voice.

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