Family Ties

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Arizona's POV:

As I walked in the back door of the house, my nose was immediately hit with the smell of coffee brewing. It was the morning after our party and pretty early given Callie and I hadn't gone to bed till after 1 am. So, the smell of coffee was a welcome surprise as I returned to the house.

Once in the kitchen, I saw Renee sitting at the table, thumbing through my Seattle PI newspaper she must have grabbed off the front porch.

"Hey you, how did it go last night?" I walked over to the coffee pot and was filling a mug as I spoke to Renee.

"Everything went fine Mama Bear and your adorable cubs are still sleeping." Renee flourished her hand in the direction of Maddy's bassinet to the right of her.

"Maddy ate around 4 am and then pooped around 4:30 am. After I got her changed, she went back down. Meanwhile, Sophia hasn't stirred since she crashed last night around 10 pm, when I carried her to bed."

"Sounds like an exciting night at this house. Thanks again for looking after the girls. It gave Callie and I some quiet time together, so thank you. How did the rest of your night go after the girls zonked?"

"It was fine." Renee flipped a page on the newspaper and then said, "Can you believe they are already forecasting that we're going to have 95 degree temperatures next weekend?"

Now, I know Renee fairly well, but even a complete stranger could tell that she was evading my question and had changed the subject to the weather.

"Uh huh, strange weather. How did things go last night with you and Ari?"

"We had a nice time." Renee kept thumbing through the pages and continued to blankly gaze at different articles.

"Callie said it sounded like you were having more than just a, 'nice time,' by the sounds coming from the media room last night..." 

I was facing Renee from the kitchen island while I talked and stirred my coffee. Right after I spoke, Renee coughed/gasped and finally made eye contact with me.

"Callie heard that? It's not what you think." 

"Okay, so what happened then? I'm just curious because I thought you said that you were taking it slow?"

"Arizona, don't judge me, but it just happened and, it was mutual. We had this amazing spark start going between us last night and have been incredibly drawn to each other since."

"Did you...? you know..." 

I started giving Renee my nosey, inquisitive look to which she replied, "Good lord, No! We didn't "Round the Bases," if that's what you're referring to!"

"Arizona, we just talked, held one another, lesbian cuddled and eventually, we made out. It was very PG-13, however, and we didn't make-out for very long. I think the biggest line we crossed last night was us falling asleep while spooning. That was a big level of intimacy to leap to, I feel like."

"Do you regret doing it, Renee? I know neither of you were drinking last night, so you both had clear heads. Such a rarity this day and age."

"I don't, but I also realized, I don't want to plan ahead for us, anymore. I'm still going to be smart about my decisions, but I just want things to organically happen. I'm a romantic and want to be romantic with Aria and date her again. I could use some spontaneity in my life and I know Ari could too. That probably sounds goofy and senseless, but that's where I'm at."

"Makes perfect sense to me, Renee." I sat down kitty-corner to Renee and next to Maddy with my coffee.

"Oh come on, I would think you'd have way more to say on this topic other than, 'Makes perfect sense to me...'" Renee was giving me a deadpan stare.

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