Mrs. & Mrs.

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Arizona's POV:

We awoke that Sunday morning, the day after our wedding, to a light rainfall. It was just loud enough to be gently plunking on the tin roof of the treehouse and to wake us just before 7 am.

We were laying side-by-side, facing one another, eye to eye in bed. We had at least hung up our dresses the night before, because our lingerie was strewn across the floor where it haphazardly landed, as we ripped off each other's garments. 

How can I say it better...? We had a fantastic honeymoon evening. 

"Good morning Dr. Mrs. Robbins." I leaned in to kiss Callie.

"Good morning Dr. Mrs. Torres." She kissed me back.

"While I am beyond ecstatic to be married to you, Calliope, I'm so happy the ceremony and the pressure of planning, hosting and being front and center is over."

"I feel the same way, Arizona. It's one less thing for us to stress about and now we can finally move on with our day-to-day lives. Speaking of our day-to-day lives, our daughter was adorable yesterday, wasn't she?"

"She was, I loved how she gave us away with our Dad's and how she wanted to stand with us during the ceremony and how cute she was as our flower girl. I especially had to laugh at her loud and continued aversion to seeing us kiss."

"Arizona, do you think we are doing a good job raising Soph so far? I still feel bad to this day about what she went through during our divorce and living between two coasts the last couple of years. I just hope it doesn't scar her future perceptions of how a solid relationship should be with whomever partner she chooses, I always worry about that."

"I'd like to think we are doing a good job, but like you, I also worry about how our divorce and the bi-coastal life effected her over the time we were separated too. I worry it might impact how she values her partners when she gets older. I worry we set a bad role model for her as parents and have constantly since the divorce. My only hope is she sees our relationship now and we show her how much we mean to each other and how much she means to us."

Just then, we heard a knock on the treehouse main door. Callie spoke up and said, "Come in." We made sure the blankets and comforter had our naked bodies covered up to our necks.

"Ladies, it's me." It was Callie's sister, Aria. "Are you decent in there?"

"Aria, we are, but we aren't, what's up sis?"

"Dad and I made you breakfast and I thought I might bring it to your room. Instead, I will leave it on the dining room table for you both. Sorry to disturb you guys, but we thought you might be hungry after the long day yesterday."

"Thank you Aria and tell Carlos thank you for us." I had joined the conversation. The coffee and food smells wonderful from here. I don't know about Callie, but I'm famished since I didn't eat a whole lot yesterday."

"I will leave you two alone, but let us know if you need anything else. Also ladies, Daddy had me bring one of your wedding presents from him up to you this morning."

In unison we both said, "Thank you Aria!" and as soon as the door closed, we got up and put on our robes.

There on the table, were two covered plates that when opened contained eggs Benedict, hash browns and a side of fruit. They had also included orange juice and coffee. The platter Aria used to carry the food also contained an envelope with a card. As we sat down I said, "Callie, since it's from your Dad, I think you should open it."

I watched as she opened the card and welled up with tears. "Callie, what is it?"

"Well, my Father feels bad that we spent our honeymoon in a backyard treehouse and wanted us to have something else. It seems he and Aria have rearranged their plans and are going to stay another couple of days."

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