Life, Love, and The Pursuit of Happiness

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Arizona's POV:

It was fairly early in the morning when I woke up from our date and overnight in our old condo. Callie was still sleeping and decently snoring since she was now laying on her back. I had to laugh when I realized this wasn't the first time I heard my wife snore, but this definitely was the 1st room I ever heard her snore within. Callie would laugh later on when I shared that same realization with her.

I was laying in bed next to her, debating on how badly I needed to get up and pee when the rain started coming down. Even though we were into late Spring in Seattle, we generally still get rain through the end of June, on and off. While we'll have more dry days then wet ones this time of year, I still wasn't surprised that morning to hear the sounds of raindrops.

At first it was slow to start, but eventually a large storm cloud rolled over the building's roof and dumped what sounded like buckets of rain. It was a typical late Spring rainfall, so the good news was that it would be over with fairly quickly, even though it didn't seem that way in the moment.

As I laid there listening, it almost felt surreal to be staring at the same walls and ceiling I spent so many hours looking at before, but not in the same way I was looking at them now. Coming back to this space at this stage in my life felt like an out of body experience. It felt like I was looking at my life, but it wasn't my life, if that makes any sense.

Even though I remember all the traumatic events Callie and I went through while living at the condo, I don't remember the Arizona I used to be back then. By this point in my life, I really had made peace with where I am and who I've become. Admittedly, it was a struggle to get to here, but, I wouldn't trade my life. I have everything I've ever wanted and an incredible, loving, family.

"Mmmrrrrr..." Callie had started waking up and not by choice given how loud the current burst of rain had become.

"Good morning my sleeping beauty." I leaned over and planted a deep kiss firmly on Callie's lips.

"Did you sleep okay, my love?" Callie rolled over and snuggled into my bare chest as she wrapped her arms around me, before then attempting to answer my questions.

"Mmmmm..." Callie was busy tucking the covers squarely around us as she moaned with closed eyes, so she could try to fall back asleep on me. 

Snuggling into me when we first wake up, is a tactic Callie has used since we started sleeping together (during her 5th year/my fellowship) when she wants to sleep longer. I must admit that given the right day, it's a tactic that has worked well for her over the years. 

What kind of girlfriend or wife would I be if I didn't melt anytime Callie wanted to cuddle with me? Because truth be told, I always want to stay in bed with her too anytime she tries to get away with it.

"You slept that good, huh? From my vantage point the last 10 minutes, you've been snoozing away, Callie."

Still groggy and now talking into my chest, Callie said, "Oh my gosh, please tell me you weren't watching me sleep again, Arizona? I know I was snoring after all the alcohol I drank last night and I'm sorry if I woke you up."

Callie squeezed me tightly with her arms as she kissed a place on my chest that her lips were closest to.

"Oh Callie, I was watching you. I know it makes you nervous when I watch you sleep, but I can't help myself. You are stunning and magnificent, my love. I just can't get enough of you sometimes." 

I kissed Callie's forehead before she responded, "Oh sweetie, I know why you watch me sleep, but it still creeps me out when I wake up and can feel your eyes staring at me. I also find it completely adorable though and never want you to stop doing it..."

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