Blurred Lines

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Arizona's POV:

Once we were back in the house, the feast of Thanksgiving leftovers had already commenced. My parents, Renee and Sophia were already in the kitchen, dishing up their plates and putting the microwave to good use. 

"Hey," said Renee, when we walked in the kitchen from the back door. "I was about to call you guys, perfect timing!" She walked over and gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I've missed you," she said quietly in my ear. "Everything go okay?" She made sure I was the only one that heard.

"Yes, I think it did. I'll tell you more about it later on though when we're alone."

"Okay." She smiled and hugged me again before speaking louder.

"Ladies, I grabbed plates for you both, they are on the counter. This is going to be a causal meal tonight." Renee commented to Callie and myself while flashing her dimpled smile. We both nodded our heads and quietly started plating what we each wanted. 

After we started eating, leave it to my Dad to start a conversation about Civil War battle strategies and how specific battles were won or lost due to the commanding officers. It might have been an interesting topic if gee, I hadn't heard it, my entire life, at that point! 

Renee was very kind and listened to everything The Colonel said. She was even engaging him with questions regarding his commentary. Bless her, she's always great about listening whether or not it's a topic she's interested in.

My Dad finally wound down his conversation about Grant versus Lee after 10 minutes, which actually made it one of his shorter Civil War lectures. I pretty much spent the time nodding, smiling and eating while thoughts about what just happened with Callie started racing in my head. Not to mention the guilt I was trying to justify and make sense of.

I kept noticing that Callie was rather quiet and doing the same head nodding and smiling I was doing. She seemed to be periodically looking at me and evaluating what I was thinking. Or maybe I was just hyper-critical of Callie's actions at that juncture? Thank goodness for Sophia speaking up at that point.

"Mama and Mom, can we play games before I have my bath?"

"I don't see why not, Baby girl," I spoke first. "Once we clean up the kitchen we will go look at your games and pick one."

"Yay!" Sophia made fast work of her dinner, was excused from the table and carried her plate to the sink. 

"Callie and Arizona, I can help Soph with her bath, if you ladies don't mind cleaning up the kitchen? We might as well get the bath out of the way before we start our 'serious' game night, right!? Sound okay to you guys?" Renee inquired.

"That would be fantastic, Sweetheart, thanks for offering." I gave Renee my big smile and kissed her on the cheek from my position next to her at the kitchen table.

With that, Renee scooped up Sophia and put Soph on her back to carry her to the tub. My parents hugged and kissed my daughter goodnight, as they were headed to their bedroom soon. My Dad keeps strict hours, in the military world that means, 'Early to bed, early to rise.'

"Guess we get to clean up, huh?" I said to Callie as we were still sitting at the kitchen table.

"It would seem we are the lucky recipients of the cleaning-up award." Callie responded, while getting up and carrying plates to the sink.

Callie and I had the kitchen cleaned in the same amount of time it took Renee to give Sophia a bath and get her into her pajamas.

My daughter and girlfriend came back in the kitchen with, "Candyland," "Sorry," and "Chutes and Ladders." The 4 of us played games for the next hour while we laughed with Sophia. 

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