Fall Breeze & Autumn Leaves

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Arizona's POV:

The next week at work, started off with a board meeting for the department chiefs. When Callie and I walked in the conference room that early Monday morning, we were greeted by Renee's big grin from her already seated position at the large conference table. It was Renee's first official day back at the hospital and first day as chief of her department. She must have gotten to work early, because she already had her coffee and a croissant she was picking at.

"Hey you, funny running in to you here," I said, as we both patted Renee on the shoulders, while we sat down next to her. Callie sat on Renee's right side, as I sat on Callie's right side. After making our pleasantries, Callie popped back up to get me some fruit, a bagel with cream cheese and some herbal tea, before she grabbed some coffee and a blueberry, cream cheese danish for herself. I've said it before, but will say it again, like Mother, like daughter. Those two girls of mine always go for the sweets, before anything else.

As the other chiefs started to finally arrive a few minutes later, the three of us were yet again subjected to a bevy of stares, whispers and raised eyebrows.  It only took a second for me to realize that we were quickly getting labeled as a throuple again, despite the fact that Callie and I were married, expecting a baby in about 4-5 months and Renee and Ari were in a committed relationship and living together. What can I say, some things never change at Grey Sloan, especially when it comes to gossip.

I was eternally grateful that Teddy walked in, when she did. Altman greeted us, as she passed by us, and was able to snag the seat next to Renee and spoke. "Well, well, if it isn't my long lost friend named Renee that I used to know!"

Callie and I both suppressed a laugh as we held a closed hand up against our mouths.

"Oh, come on Teddy, that's not fair! You are still my friend, I just have a girlfriend that has been occupying my free time."

"Uh huh, that's what they all say. For example, look at the two dorks sitting next to you. Both of them claimed to be my friends, but then they hooked up again, got married and that one got knocked up. I haven't heard much from them since."

I knew Teddy was kidding with us, but could also read between the lines that she was hurt and missing us and made a mental note to have her over for dinner in the very near future. I completely know what it is like to have a friend, that's a girl, ditch you the first second a love interest comes along. One minute you are spending lots of time together, but as soon as they hook-up, they write you out of the picture in seconds. It profoundly hurts regardless if you are gay or straight.

"Teddy," I spoke up first, "We all love you and I'm sorry if Callie or I have become one of, 'those girls.' I promise we will be better going forward, and apologize for seeming like we didn't care, because we feel just the opposite."

"Oh, I know you guys aren't ignoring me, I just miss all our old times together and when you're single, and watch all your friends find significant other's in their lives, it's hard not to feel lonely yourself, especially as you age. It's hard to explain, but when you are young, it feels like you have infinite time to find, 'the one.' The older you get, that's when you begin to realize that time is more finite than you used to think in your youth."

All three of us silently nodded, after Teddy's statement, because we understood and had felt that same way during our lifetimes at different points. Renee reached over, and quickly rubbed the middle of Teddy's back, just when Webber started talking.

"Good morning everyone, it's a beautiful Fall day outside and I'd like to thank everyone for joining me in discussing matters for this month and the coming months for all departments. However, before we start, I'd like to introduce everyone to our new Optometric chief, Dr. Renee Schafer. I know some of you already know her, as she was an attending doctor here at Grey Sloan about a year ago, before she left us to move home to Portland, in order to help with the care of her Father after an accident. We are thrilled to have her back and now to have her running our Optometry department. I'd like everyone to give Dr. Schafer a warm welcome back, as we are lucky to have her skills and expertise, yet again."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora