The Road To Hell Is Now Paved Part II

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Callie's POV:

It was another week at the hospital and I had the pleasure of starting this one off with Grand Rounds. Usually as Chief I don't end up doing them much, but at least once a month we are required to lead larger departmental rounds that includes clinical and classroom work. I happened to be unlucky enough to have this particular rounds coincide with a Monday morning.

Throughout the last two hours of the event, my pager and cell text alerts went off a few times. 

"Is that something you need to get, Callie?" 

It was Laura Wheeler speaking to me, the Ortho attending I stole from a hospital in Olympia. She was my fellow at one time, but left after she completed her program. By sheer accident, (literally it was the accident Sophia and Arizona's parents were in last year) Laura was brought back to my attention. Since then, she had been a welcome addition to my department and had become a huge assistance to me.

Looking down at my phone I said, "Nah, I'm sure everything is fine, it's Arizona."

Her and I were sitting in the lecture hall, towards the back of the auditorium as we whispered.

Isn't that like the third time she's paged or texted you this morning? Are you sure everything is okay?"

In my head, I just assumed Arizona was trying to remind me of something, like she usually does during our workdays. I just thought maybe she had a couple things to tell me, not just one.

"Well, I assumed it's something to do with our daughter's like when or where to pick them up from. That's usually what we talk about during the day as our schedules change, but I never thought that something might be wrong."

"Sorry Callie, I wasn't trying to worry you. I'm single, so I'm completely unaware of how committed couples work."

"No, you're right Laura and since my part is done here, I'm going to scoot off. Will you take over for me as the moderator?"

"Of course Callie and let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

I grabbed my empty coffee travel cup and quietly crept out of the auditorium. I figured Arizona would probably be in her office since her morning was free and hurried towards our floor. 

My mind started racing as I was fast walking to her door. I started worrying that something had happened to Sophia or Madelyn. Then I worried it was Arizona that was hurt before then thinking it might have been Ari, my parents or Arizona's parents. 

About the time I had mentally exhausted myself, thinking of everyone in our family, I discovered myself outside Arizona's office door. It was partially open enough for me to just walk in and then immediately shut the door. I was aware my adrenaline was flowing at this point, after the long walk and especially after picturing the multiple horrific scenarios my family might have endured.

Not surprisingly, when I abruptly shut the door, I scared an Arizona who wasn't expecting me. She jumped a few inches from her seated position at her desk, as I passionately charged into my conversation with her.

"What's wrong? Who's sick? Did somebody get hurt? Is it Sophia or Maddy? Are you okay?"

"Holy cow, Calliope! Whoa. Slow down and take a deep breath. Nobody is hurt and I just really wanted to talk to you before your surgery this afternoon. Sorry for the page and two texts."

"So no one in our family is hurt or in trouble?" I let out a relieved sigh and slunk down into a chair in front of the desk. 

"Callie, I didn't mean to worry you. I just wanted to make sure I got your attention because I knew you were busy this morning."

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