Sunday Fun Day

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Arizona's POV:

After tucking Sophia in, we returned to the front room and started saying our goodbyes to Callie's Dad and good night to my parents. Callie and I went to bed at the same time everyone else left or went to sleep that evening.

"Callie, I think today was a rousing success for Sophia's birthday and party, don't you?"

We were sitting in bed, propped up on the headboard and laying next to each other as we talked. The TV news was on, but the volume was almost non-existent. It was more for the dim lighting effect from the screen.

"I thought everything went well. All the kids and parents had a great time at the party, the decorations were perfect you bought, and I finally made peace with my Dad. I'd say we accomplished a lot in just one day!" Callie leaned over and kissed me, but didn't stop kissing me for quite awhile, while she tenderly groped me.

When we finally pulled away from one another, I started talking.

"Callie, I meant to tell you something, but it's been a whirlwind of a day and this is the first chance I've had to talk with you."

"Is it something serious, Arizona?"

"Not really, but it caught me off guard this morning. Renee called my phone via video chat to wish Sophia a Happy Birthday, so of course I was the one to answer it."

"How did it go? What did she say to you?"

"Let's see, maybe about 10 words total? I get it though, so I just gave the phone to Sophia and let them talk in private."

"Do you miss Renee, Arizona?"

"I miss her as a friend and I will always care about her, however, I'm in love with you, Calliope Torres. I have never loved anyone the way I have loved you these last ten plus years."

"I remember the first time I saw you at the hospital, you were a 5th year resident and I was a fellow. I remember seeing you turn a corner as I was charting at the Peds desk and instantly remember thinking what a gorgeous, hot and sexy woman you were." 

I leaned over and we shared a rather intense kiss after I spoke.

"That's when I began asking around about you, because I thought you were spectacular and magnificent. I knew at that moment, there was something about you that I was deeply drawn to."

Callie gently touched the end of my nose and kissed it, before sharing her memory of her first encounter with me.

"I'll never forget meeting you in the women's bathroom at Joe's Bar. You absolutely took my breath away with that kiss and I've never been the same since. I've never loved anyone, the way I'm madly in love with you. Sounds like you and I have that in common, Arizona. We both fell in love with each other at first sight. How many couples can truly say that?"

We passionately started kissing after that, while plummeting our tongues in each other's mouths. My hands and Callie's hands started sensually exploring one another's bodies, as the fire between us began to ascend. I was just about to take off Callie's shirt, when there was a knock at our door. We both deeply sighed, knowing our night just had a pin put in it, sexually speaking.

"Sophia, is that you? You can come in, Bug." Callie had gotten up as she was speaking and opened the door to find our daughter looking sickly.

"Moms, I don't feel so well..." And before one of us could ask her what was wrong, Sophia threw-up in our doorway and on Callie.

Callie is an amazing mom and in a second, had picked up our crying daughter, kissed her forehead and said, "It's okay Bug, you're going to be okay. Let's get you cleaned up so both your Mommies can take a look at you, okay?" Callie carried her into our bathroom while trying to soothe her tears and started the tub.

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