Love Isn't Always Easy Part IV

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Callie's POV:

We had just finished a lunch that I loved, thanks to Arizona. Part of me was still dumbfounded this woman I can't live without, managed to forgive me and so quickly. I was a complete jerk to her and came home drunker than I've ever been the night before. But, here she still was, smiling at me and kissing and hugging me every chance she got that next day. I guess I was just as bad that afternoon, because I was doing the same.

Our fighting and angst we had dealt with the last week, had humbled both of us and make-up time together was inevitable between the two of us. Throughout our years together, make-up sex or make-up time seems to be a natural ebb in the tide of our relationship. I suppose it's our way of showing one another just how much we care and are sorry. I don't enjoy the sorrow and suffering leading up to making-up, but I always enjoy the aftermath with Arizona. I know she feels the same way.

After lunch, Arizona ran a bath for me and sat next to the tub and talked with me about everything that had gone wrong with her that previous week. Arizona had decided to return to work and deal with all the things that had been going on, despite the stress. She had even made peace, on some level, that her clinic for children of low-income families was more than likely going to be shut-down in the near future. I was proud of everything she had figured out and even more thrilled that I seemed to have my happy girl back again.

I, on the other hand, apologized again for my horrible behavior. Arizona shared with me she thought I might have alcohol poisoning and kept a diligent eye on me the entire night and morning. She even took vitals on me every couple hours to verify I was okay. In other words, she had a sleepless night and morning thanks to me.

After hashing out all our recent problems and both of us coming to a resolution, we sat there for a moment in silence. Arizona had started washing my back in that moment, when I said, "You know if you get in here with me, you can reach my back easier and I can reach yours?!"

"I know, but I think you just want to reach my "front," more than my back, Dr. Torres." Arizona rolled her eyes, but flashed me her cute smile at the same time.

"Maybe, but is that a problem, Dr. Robbins?" I gave her my flirty raised eyebrow look and then started pleading with her.

"Please Arizona, come join me. The water isn't as hot and I obviously don't expect you to sit in here for very long."

"Once a flirt, always a flirt! Thank goodness you have that cute smile you do Callie." Arizona had started stripping off all her clothes at this point, while she pretended to be annoyed. "I swear the fatter I get, the hornier you seem to get! You know I resemble a whale in recent weeks, don't you?"

I couldn't help myself and was staring at her gorgeous body as she peeled clothing items off. Her ever growing baby bump made her so much more adorable recently. When you coupled that with the radiant glow she had developed during her pregnancy, well, it made her more irresistible to me than ever. Also knowing that she was carrying our next child was the icing on the cake and made me want to paw at her all the time.

"Arizona, you don't resemble a whale in the least." I was shaking my head no, as I spoke. "I find you incredibly sexy right now. You have a radiance about you that is intoxicating and it makes me want to constantly have my hands on you when I'm with you."

"Trust me Callie, I know." Arizona had slid into the tub at this point with her body in front of mine, as she leaned back into me. "I realized that months ago, but especially realized how bad you've gotten during our staff meeting a few weeks ago. I remember you seductively feeling up my right leg under the conference table and the need to constantly pull your left hand off me during the entire meeting. You were acting like a horny 16 year old in heat."

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