Bend and Break Part II

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Callie's POV:

It's amazing how a person can live certain days and everything seems mundane and uneventful, yet other days, like mine was that particular day, can be life altering and chaotic. As I laid in bed that night, listening to Arizona in the bathroom as she was getting ready to join me, I was struck by how much had happened in the last 16 hours. 

First, I awoke in the arms of my gorgeous blond wife and we had breakfast and a bath together in our hotel room. Of course my Mother was a rather large roadblock in my day, but I managed to get over it faster than I normally would thanks to my family. And then, to learn that night that Ari would probably be moving to Seattle, was exciting. It was an emotional roller coaster of a day to say the least.

Arizona turned off the bathroom light, walked in to the bedroom and crawled into bed next to me. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt and her underwear. 

"Hey! Wait a minute, didn't that t-shirt used to belong to me?" I said to my other half, when I saw her wearing the shirt and which shirt it was.

"Maybe? But, possession is 9/10th's of the law, so good luck getting it back!" Arizona was in full smart-Alec mode. 

"Arizona Robbins, that's my softball shirt from the late 90's when I played centerfield for Miami University! No fair...and eventually, I will want it back."

"If you want it back Calliope, you're gonna to need to strip it off of me!" Arizona laughed, only because she wanted more physical time with me, I learned not long after her sarcastic remark.

I couldn't help but grab my girl when she got under the covers in the next 10 seconds. I was pretending to, "manhandle" her for about 30 seconds when we both started kissing and holding one another.

"I was just laying here thinking about what an incredibly, long day it's been, both good and bad. I'm so thankful I have you however, otherwise, I don't know how I would have survived."

"I think you would have been just fine without me, but I'm glad I could support you either way, Callie. I'm lucky to have parents that don't judge my decisions in life, but also know I'm privileged to have both of my parents support me while knowing I am a lesbian."

"SIGH... I used to wish my Mother would support me, but I realize that will never happen. I just hope Sophia's exposure to my Mom didn't scar her for life or longer."

"I'm sure it didn't, Callie. I made sure I whisked her away when I heard the tone in your voice and saw your facial demeanor rapidly change this morning when you saw Lucia. I understood and especially when I heard you start speaking in Spanish, that's when I truly ran."

"What's me speaking in Spanish have to do with anything?"

"Well, the only times you tend to speak in Spanish to me, is when you are passionate... again, whether good or bad. I personally like it when you are being good, but I also sometimes like it when you are being bad too." Arizona flashed me her huge dimpled-grin and we kissed and held one another, tight.

"Callie, once we get Sophia to school in the morning, want to grab breakfast at the cafe on the hill? I thought we could look at some real estate listings while eating and make a plan for the day."

"Works for me, I'm pretty sure my sister will be fine with that too. They have a huge menu and Ari is like me, she's not picky when it comes to food."

"It's settled then, we'll let her know in the morning, Callie."

"Arizona, I really hope Ari can find a place that is somewhat close to our house. It's been nice having your parents a few blocks away and would be wonderful to have my sis be so close as well. We may need to get bigger dining tables here soon! Our tables can accommodate 8 people, so when we have extra company, things could get tight in the future."

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