Tribulations and Celebrations

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Arizona's POV:

"Hey girls! How are you?" Callie had opened our front door and welcomed Meredith and Zola in. Sophia and Zola squealed when they saw one another, and then, they were off in a flash. 

Oh great, the two, tweenagers and best friends, were off and running... it was going to be a busy day in the Torres-Robbins household.

Unfortunately, the nice weather we had the day before had taken a turn, and light rain had begun to fall that late Sunday morning. As such, we already had the girls set-up to watch movies or play games in the basement home theater that day. 

"I'm tired, but I got my butt handed to me this week by quite a few people. Sadly, it was primarily the new Interns who caused most of my problems. How are you two ladies doing this week? Isn't your one year anniversary coming up soon?"

Of course Meredith knew our anniversary was coming, she had been a part of our wedding, but I think it was her polite way of inquiring if we had concrete plans together. I had to give her credit though, because she already knew what I was up to.

"It's next weekend Mer, and we're planning on doing something, but haven't specifically made any formal plans together, we're going to each plan an event and surprise the other one."

I was holding/bouncing Maddy as I spoke, while the three of us surgeons continued to converse that morning in the kitchen. 

Truth of the matter was, I had made definite plans, long ago, for our one year anniversary weekend, so I could surprise Callie. I had arranged for the chef Callie hired during our Babymoon, Rachel, to help me out. 

Rachel was coming to Seattle next weekend to specifically make food for the Saturday anniversary celebration party I had set-up in our backyard as a surprise for Callie. I figured we should celebrate our first year as a re-married couple, with the people that have supported us along the way on our crazy ride.

I knew Callie already had something planned for Friday night, but the plan was not to divulge our individual plans, but for both of us to keep each day open for the other one.

"Well, let me be the first to congratulate you both on your one year anniversary of being married, again. If there are two people that were ever meant to be together, it's you two chuckleheads."

Meredith was smiling from ear to ear, as she half hugged us both at the same time.

"Is there anything I can do next weekend to help you ladies out? If so, I'm around both days."

"Thank you, Meredith, and we might just take you up on your offer with the girls. Arizona's parents have also offered to help too, depending on which day either one of us might need assistance or childcare. They have been consummate lifesavers since they moved here last year."

I noticed Callie's deep-seated look of affection she was sporting for my parents as she spoke to Dr. Grey. I couldn't help but flash my wife my huge smile.

"You both are lucky to have such wonderful parents to help you out, especially with a newborn. I would have given anything to have, anyone around, to help me after Ellis's birth."

"We know Meredith and feel unbelievably blessed to have my folks here to help us out. I would have given anything to have them here back when Sophia was born and Callie and I were recovering from the car accident, but we're beyond grateful to have them here now."

We heard more squeals of happiness as our oldest and Zola found the small kits I had put together for their home theater viewing day together, a few days ago. I had put a mix of healthy snacks, a couple of small toys and some candy, into small baskets for Zola and Sophia to take to the basement viewing room. From their reaction, I assumed my contribution to their day had been a success.

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