Hell Is Just A Sauna

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Arizona's POV:

A few weeks had gone by since Ari had her motor vehicle accident that put her into a coma. She was still pretty weak, but with each passing day, she grew stronger. After waking up, she spent just over another week in the hospital, before finally getting discharged to go home.

In true form to who she was, Renee stayed right by Ari's side the entire time she was recuperating. Renee had even gone out of her way to make sure all the necessary hospital equipment that Ari needed, was in her condo and ready for her when she returned home.

To me and Callie, it seemed as if the two of them were on the road to a reconciliation, but we also weren't trying to pry. Renee told me during one of Ari's last afternoons in the hospital, when I stopped by to visit between patients, that she was hopeful they would get back together. This was only said to me, of course, and only after Ari was taken to have a scan and we were left alone in her room.

"So, I am curious about something then, Renee..."

"You? You're curious about 'something' Arizona? Somehow I'm not surprised..." Renee winked at me with the knowledge behind her sarcasm of how annoying and inquisitive I can be when I'm trying to figure something out. 

"Has Ari mentioned anything to you about Allison, recently?"

"No, not directly, other than to say she and Allison are over and done. Why? Has Ari said anything to you or Callie about her?"

"Nothing to me and I know Callie would have said something to me if Ari had brought up Allison. Let's just say neither one of us are fans of the woman, especially given her role in Ari's accident."

"Arizona, I think my mutual dislike for the woman probably surpasses your's and Callie's feelings combined. Ari did assure me Allison has moved out of the condo and then in the next sentence, she asked me to move back in."

"What? She expects you to just move back in despite what she's put you through? Wow, that's pretty ballsy, even for a Torres girl."

"Well, she does need someone to look after her while she is recovering at home and I already told her if I move back in, it will be under different terms. I'll be sleeping in the guest room and we won't be together as a couple, but as friends."

I couldn't help myself and burst into peels of laughter after hearing Renee's reasoning. I knew my outburst was inappropriate, but Renee and I have a residual level of comfort with one another that still remains even after our breakup. 

"Renee, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed, but I couldn't help but recall what I went through by living with my ex, platonically-speaking that is, again."

"Good point, Arizona. We see how well that worked out considering Callie is your wife again." I smiled, nodded and patted Renee on the back.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to do the same thing and Ari really does need help, especially at night." 

"Ah, sweet, innocent, Renee. I'm only saying this as your friend that dearly cares about you, but be careful. I worry about you and your heart. While I don't think Ari would go out of her way to hurt you again, she is an Alcoholic and has a lot of work and recovery to still do."

"I know, and I am going into this guarded. I want to see a lot of changes with Ari before we even discuss our relationship status being more than just friends. And by the way, have you talked to Teddy about this?"

"No, I haven't, why?"

"You two are scary with how similar minded you both tend to be. Teddy already attacked me last night about my decision to move back in with Ari out of her concern."

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