All's Well that Ends Well

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Arizona's POV:

I had just finished an Appendectomy surgery on a nine month old. The procedure went well, so I instructed my fellow to go inform the baby's parents of the good news. 

I, meanwhile, needed a caffeine boost and grabbed a vanilla latte from the coffee cart on the 1st floor. I still had a couple of things to power through before heading home. 

Since Callie was picking up our daughter from daycare that day, it gave me another hour to finish a grant proposal that would provide funding for necessary surgeries on financially, underprivileged, children. I had been working on this grant for the last month, and was nearing the deadline to apply, but I was almost finished.

As I saved and printed the documents I had been working on that evening, Meredith walked in to my office and shut the door. 

"Is this a bad time, Arizona?"

"Not at all, I just finished for the day and was getting ready to leave. "What's up Meredith? Everything okay?" 

I was trying to figure out why she had shut my office door. What could be so serious, that she'd have a need to protect our conversation?

"Nothing big, I just wanted to get your feedback about the chief's meeting this afternoon, what did you think?" Meredith had that serious look she gets when she's doing research or in the OR.

"I thought it went fine and everyone seemed receptive to working pro bono on the upcoming Peds surgeries I have planned." 

"Speaking of which, do you mind if I scrub in on the Jejunoileal Atresia you have scheduled for tomorrow? I've never seen one performed on a 1 month old."

"Sure Meredith, I can always use a second set of skilled hands on a JIA, sounds perfect. By the way, how did you think the meeting went?"

"Thanks Arizona, I'm looking forward to it, thanks for letting me scrub in." 

"I thought, other than your presentation, the meeting was pretty typical. Well, I take that back. There was one part of the meeting I found incredibly fascinating." 

Meredith had started staring me down, oh no, did she know what Callie had done during the meeting? How could she know? All of these thoughts started making me nervous, which caused me to start rambling.

"What part was that Meredith? Was it the lasagna? I sure do like a good lasagna, not that the one from this afternoon was all that great, I mean, I've had better, but it wasn't that bad, My Mom makes a fantastic lasagna, her trick is she uses fresh herbs, I find most people don't use fresh herbs, don't you think fresh herbs make all the difference?" I had finally had run out of breath, which is the only thing that stopped my rambling at that point.

"Arizona, I dropped my pen under the conference table during the meeting, it was right after you finished your presentation. I was sitting on the opposite side of the table from you and Callie, by the way."

It was at that precise moment, I felt all the blood drain out of my face and then felt my blood flow quickly rebound, which is why I turned a deep crimson color from the level of facial flushing I was experiencing.

"So, you saw everything?"

"Yep Arizona, everything. What in the hell are you two doing? At my last check, you still have a girlfriend, Arizona, and a very nice one."

"I know, I know, I know. Callie is like kryptonite to me and apparently I have the same effect on her. It's not an excuse, but when we're alone, we can't seem to control our selves around one another. It's been going on since Callie visited during Thanksgiving."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora