Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall

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Arizona's POV:

Okay, so I realized once I got in my car and pulled out of the garage that we had gotten some snow the night before, but it was only a dusting at best. It was so minimal and the main streets were completely clear. Just the roads around our house still had snow on the streets from the previous storm. I was sure that later on though, Callie was going to have words with me for telling her it didn't snow, but it would hopefully be a moot point by then.

It was, of course, still dark as I pulled out of our driveway and onto the street. There was a peaceful stillness in the air like most days after a holiday when people are slower to wake up and move about. The glow of Christmas lights still illuminated the tree lined street blocks till I got to the main thoroughfare that took me downtown and to the hospital.

On my way to the hospital, I stopped at a bakery and grabbed some food and beverages to-go. It took another 10 minutes, but I wanted to make sure Renee had something to eat or drink. Well, that's provided my hunch actually turned out to be correct. As my thoughts continued to swirl in my head, I found my parking space and turned off the car engine. 

It was a chilly walk to Renee's building entrance, but the extra two minutes outside in the leftover snow, ended up saving me a couple minutes inside endless corridors. Since her clinic is in the outpatient section, Renee's office is almost the furthest point from my office it could be. Oh well, that day our office geography didn't matter, what mattered was hopefully finding Renee.

It was a few minutes before 5 am when I walked into the reception area outside Renee's office door. Nobody was in yet and wouldn't be till just before 8 am, so at least it was quiet and still darkened over the main reception area.

I decided I needed to just be direct, so I walked up to Renee's door and softly knocked. I did this a few rounds and paused about 15 seconds between rounds. While my knock was audible, I didn't want it to sound threatening. I especially didn't want scare her by pounding down her office door at 5 am. 

After my knocking efforts, it was clear Renee wasn't going to answer the door if she was there. Since that tactic didn't pan out, I did the next thing I thought of, just talking. It was something Renee would be forced to listen to if she was hiding, or, I'd be having a pointless conversation with a door. Either way, it wouldn't hurt me and nobody was around.

"Renee, it's me. If you are in your office, I just came by to see how you were doing. I'm also here if you want silent company or want to talk. Even if you don't want to see me, and I would understand, I am leaving some food and drinks for you on the reception desk. I love you and if you need anything, let me know, okay? Well, I'm going to go make the long trek back to my side of the hospital now to grab a document off my desk."

With that, I set the drink carrier and the bag of food on the reception desk before heading towards the door to the suite. Just as I was about to cross the threshold, my cell text alert sounded. I looked down at the screen and saw this message:

"Arizona. The door is unlocked, let yourself in."

I turned back around, grabbed the food/drinks and slowly opened the heavy wooden door. In the dim lighting from the window that faced a block of sporadically lit buildings, I could see a scattering of used white tissues around her couch. That's when I also noticed a lump on the couch that looked like Renee laying there with a blanket pulled up to her neck.

I already knew not to say too much, I could tell she was in a somber mood. I set the drinks and food down, before motioning Renee to raise her head up enough so I could sit where she was just resting her head. I immediately grabbed a pillow, and then motioned Renee to lay her head back down on my lap pillow. I knew she really needed some tlc more than anything that morning and reassuringly rubbed her upper arm several times.

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizonaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن