Black Friday Cometh and Goeth Part II

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Callie's POV:

It was the Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving and I'm sitting in a "treehouse" with Arizona, in her backyard. 

Treehouse... that doesn't even describe this tiny house! It's more like a palatial, kids, fantasy home, come to life. 

Arizona and I are sitting on the over-stuffed sectional couch in the great room together, on opposing sides of the couch corner. Even though it's almost December and rainy in Seattle, you'd never know we were in a treehouse. It was warm and toasty in the elevated cottage with the electric fireplace and space heaters running, despite the damp, Pacific NW coldness. There was music playing on the central sound system and we were enjoying some wine as we got settled in for our conversation.

After we sat down, we exhausted most of the benign conversations we could have. Work, Sophia, weather that day and the week so far.

"Any chance you'd just wanna dive right in, Calliope?" 

"I guess, I should," I replied back with some trepidation.

"What's going on with Penny? Would it be okay to start there?"

"I guess I should given my career decision crossroads," I responded back.

"When Penny called me on Thanksgiving morning, she had no idea I was in Seattle. Neither one of us had bothered to talk since our fight last Monday night. She made the excuse of letting me, 'cool down,' as to, 'why,' she hadn't called or texted me. The more I spoke with her, my hot-temper erupted like a volcano. I completely acted ... well, impulsively and told her that I was taking time this week to, 'think things through and she should do the same.'

"I also told Penny, I felt like our relationship was falling apart and that she only cares about her research. I finished up the conversation by telling Penny, that Sophia and I were tired of living alone in NY. Before I hung up, she tried to reason with me. So, in my hot-headed way, I told her we would not talk until I got back."

"That should be a fun homecoming for both of you, Callie... Wow. How did she respond?"

"She started crying and I'm the jerk that hung up on Penny, in a fit of stupid pride and rage. I should have been less-childish and spoken with her. At this point in the week however, I've decided to wait till I'm home."

"By chance, did you try to let her know you had left town?" Arizona had a concerned furrow in her brow, as she asked that question.

"No, I was waiting for her to call me. I see where you are going with this Arizona." 

"What? I'm not going anywhere with this... but there is one exception to note, I do know you quite well, Callie."

"I know you do Arizona, it's why I am afraid to talk with you. I realize you can see right through me, no matter how many walls I put up and attempt to hide behind. So, since you know me so well, if you were me, what would you do about Penny?"

"You said you feel like your relationship is falling apart, but have you tried to really work on the relationship from your end? It sounds like you expect Penny to do all the changing, but what have you changed in order to make things work?"

"There's nothing to change, Penny is the one that changed. We were perfectly fine until we moved to NY and she started her research project."

"Did you ever think, you too, might have changed since the move?" Arizona gave me her inquisitive, head, slightly tipped look.

"It's rather annoying when you make a good point, do you know that!?" I said, as I raised my left eyebrow while I stared at her with my, 'Not that amused, but I am amused,' look. 

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