Life Should Come With Instructions Part II

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Callie's POV:

After needing to herd my daughter and Arizona out of the house that Thursday morning, we arrived at the hospital a few minutes before 11 am. I kissed everyone goodbye, as I went to go change into some scrubs and see where we were in the process of prepping Barbara. 

It sadly was a good thing Arizona and I had taken the rest of the week off for Soph's Spring Break. At least now we had time to take care of our family in the wake of the car accident.

After I got dressed and put on my indoor soccer shoes I prefer to wear in surgery,  I went to check on Barbara and find Dr. Wheeler. I grabbed 2 cups of coffee from the coffee cart, and went to Barbara's room. Sure enough, Arizona and crew were in the room with Barbara. Laura Wheeler was outside of the room, standing at one of the Electronic Medical Records terminals when I saw her.

"Hello Dr. Wheeler and welcome back! Are you finding everything okay? Is everyone helping you get settled in? And any chance I can interest you in some coffee?" 

"Everyone has been great, Dr. Torres and I appreciate the way you prompted your residents to help me out this morning. And I will totally take that coffee from you, thank you!"

"Do you want cream or just black? I have both."

"At this point after this many years of hospital medicine, I am fine with either. Beggars can't be choosy! Although, I prefer black."

"That works great and I agree with what you just said about coffee, as long as it's decent, I can manage through any variety. Just so happens I prefer cream, so this works out perfectly."

I handed over the coffee cup to Laura, as I asked her about Arizona's Mom's pre-op labs and scans. I had decided to repeat Barbara's scans since the resolution with our imaging equipment was far more detailed than was available at St. Peter hospital in Olympia.

"Your CT resolution is incredible by the way! I was just reviewing the scans, let me pull them back up for both of us to review.

Laura sat there clicking away on the computer for awhile and then laughed. "Seems I can't get into your Mother-in-law's chart at the moment as another user is accessing it."

"Who is accessing Arizona's Mom's chart at the moment?"

"Ummm, it says it's Arizona Robbins, MD." Laura started softly laughing as I did too.

"That girl! Hang on a second Laura, while I get Dr. Robbins to go back to being her Mom's daughter and stop her from being the inquisitive doctor she normally is." Laura was still laughing as I excused myself, and headed into Barbara's room.

"Hi, Mom!" Sophia ran over and hugged me when I walked in.

"Hi Lovebug! How's everyone doing in here?" Arizona had scooted away from the EMR terminal when I walked in. 

To be clear, it's not that Arizona couldn't have looked at her Mom's chart, but from an ethical standpoint of not being her treating physician, she shouldn't have been looking, technically speaking.

"We are doing fine Callie, thank you for everything you are doing for my wife." Arizona's Dad was the first to speak. 

"I'm happy to help Colonel, she's going to be my Mom, again, here soon. So, I do have a personal interest in Barbara's well being." I walked over and kissed Barbara's cheek and she hugged me tightly.

"However, I need to talk with Arizona Robbins, MD, for just a moment. Any chance you can exit your Mom's record that is probably, currently, minimized on that computer screen?"

"I'm not sure what you are talking about, Callie."

"Arizona, so if I go look right now on that monitor, I won't find you logged into your Mom's chart just now?"

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