Great Expectations Part II

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Callie's POV:

I was in Sophia's bedroom, helping her pack an overnight bag for her sleepover with Zola. We were just about finished, when the blond woman I love more than anything, came in and hugged and kissed both of us. 

"Callie, do you mind waiting for Meredith while I run to the grocery store? I wanted to pick-up a few things so I can make dinner for you this evening, if that's okay?"

"Who am I to say no to a homemade dinner that I don't have to make?! Of course my love! That would be incredible."

"Meredith should be here in about a half hour, but don't forget to give her the packet of information I put together about Sophia's Summer interests. I left the envelope on the kitchen table."

"Will do, Chief." I winked at my wife and kissed her cheek before she hugged and kissed Sophia, walked out of the room and left for the grocery store.

"Well Sophia, are you all set to go to Zola's?"

"I think so Mom, I'm really excited about going to the game place."

"One of these days, your Mama and I will take you back there again, promise."

"I would like to do that Mom. I like it when the three of us play games together, only this place is like our game night gone wild!"

I was about to question how my daughter phrased her answer, when I realized that was a can of worms I didn't want to open. Instead, I hugged Sophia, as we put her backpack down near the front door.

"Are you hungry or thirsty? Do you want anything before you go?"

"No, I'm good. I ate a lot of corn dogs and tater tots at lunch, but thank you."

So great to hear when your parenting skills pay off and your daughter says thank you and is being polite.

"Okay, suit yourself... I'd normally be concerned, but I have a feeling by the end of the night you will have had too much food. Don't overdo it though, Bug. I don't want you to get sick to your stomach."

"I know Mom, I know. I won't." 

Just then, we were both saved by the bell, literally, when Zola rang the doorbell, while Meredith sat in the car with her other two kiddos, Bailey and Ellis.

I said hello to Zola, and helped Little Miss put on her backpack and kissed her goodbye. I watched both girls run out to the car, as I waved at Meredith and loudly said, "Good luck, Mer, and thank you!"

Her window was down, so I heard her say, "No problem Callie, and I think I'm going to need it and a large bottle of wine by the time we get home!"

Both of us laughed, as she backed out of our driveway and they headed downtown to the restaurant and game pavilion. About a half hour after Meredith and crew left, Arizona came home. 

I helped her unload the groceries, but she insisted on putting them away. She wanted dinner to be a surprise that evening for me. I could tell my wife had already plotted our evening together and how to make it more romantic than it already would have been. She is so sweet and loving, I can't believe I used to take her for granted, but I never will anymore. 

While I waited for Arizona to finish up in the kitchen, I plopped down on the huge couch in the media room and started flipping through our streaming services to find a movie for us to watch. That particular afternoon, I was trying to find something light-hearted and that wouldn't require that much of our attention, as I had other plans in mind for my gorgeous wife.

Arizona came and joined me a few moments later. She had changed to be more comfortable that night and was still wearing jeans, but was now wearing my old college softball t-shirt (clearly I was never getting that shirt back) and had swept up her golden, silky, hair in a claw clip. For being causal, she couldn't have looked any hotter to me.

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