River Deep, Mountain High Part III

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Arizona's POV:

Initially when we asked Ari and Renee to join us on vacation, they had only planned on staying a couple of days. However, they were enjoying their downtime, relaxing and having so much fun with us, they decided to stay the rest of the week. Callie and I were completely fine with that, as we enjoy having family around. Plus, it gave Callie and I moments that we could spend some alone time together, even if it was only a couple hours at a time. 

Most of the week consisted of hiking, fishing, cooking and playing games or watching TV. So, nothing different than what we normally do at home, but it is much more fun when you're on vacation. A few days after we went to the summit restaurant, we took the other three with us one day for lunch so they could experience the gondola ride up the mountain.

Callie found one of our other activities, a company in the neighboring town, that rented canoes that we could float down the river in. The company then picked up the passengers and their boats, about 8 miles down the slow moving river and took everyone back to their vehicles at the launch point.

So, we spent one afternoon taking in the scenery by renting two boats. One was for my family, the other canoe was for Ari and Renee. It was a ton of fun and a great way to see parts of the river and forest we wouldn't have otherwise. We even bought Sophia a waterproof camera to take pictures with as we cruised downstream.

Sophia had also become obsessed with catching a fish that week and would drag myself or Renee out back to fish any chance she got. I was rather proud of my daughter for actually being so determined. That's a quality she gets from both Callie and myself and one thing that Callie and I bump heads ourselves about sometimes. Neither one of us gives up, regardless if we are right or wrong.

Sophia had become proficient with baiting her fishing pole hook that week and Renee was even showing her how to tie flies to a fly rod line during that time. I also sat in on a couple of their lessons, as I'd become rusty with tying flies in recent months. 

Eventually all of Sophia's hard work paid off and by mid-week, she was able to reel in a fish with my help. This time however, I made sure to stand behind my daughter when I helped her, so as not to have a repeat of her Mom's moment that dragged me in to the river. While it was funny, I didn't want to experience it again.

The other ladies happened to be outside when Sophia landed the fish and applauded her accomplishment as Renee said, "Now you get to clean it, Soph!" We all laughed and knew Renee would help Sophia.

The day Sophia caught her fish, was a Thursday and we only had two and a half days left at the rental house until we left that next Sunday. That Thursday night, we decided to watch a movie that was newer. Callie, Sophia and I snuggled on one of the downstairs couches, while Renee and Ari snuggled on the other one.

Clearly Renee and Ari were at the phase of not hiding their affection for one another and Ari's wounds had healed tremendously by that point. Renee was sitting with her back up against an arm, while Ari had crawled between her legs and laid the back of her head, on Renee's chest. They were covered up with a blanket, which I sensed served more of hiding where their hands were and not so much for keeping them warm.

On our couch, that was directly facing the TV, Callie was tucked into one corner, I was sitting next to Callie and snuggled into her side, while Sophia had her head supported by a pillow on my lap, as she was laying horizontally, facing towards the TV.

Sophia had noticed her Aunt and Renee, and in fine form, as we were trying to download the movie, Sophia commented.

"Aunt Ari and Renee, are you girlfriends now?" 

Callie and I both quietly changed our gaze from the TV, and looked at Renee and Ari to answer. 

Let's face it, we didn't know either and we had to give our daughter credit for ripping off the, 'mask,' those two had been hiding behind. I guess the inquisitive apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but we didn't want to push them... however, a 9 year-old could.

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