River Deep, Mountain High Part II

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Callie's POV:

After the excitement of landing my first fish and falling into the river with Arizona in tow, the luke warm bath with my wife, was very needed. As we washed one another's hair and bodies, we laughed and giggled about us tumbling into the river together. We didn't stay in the bath very long because of Arizona's pregnancy (we are being overly cautious with this baby).

One thing led to another though, as we toweled off and headed into the bedroom. In fine Torres-Robbins relationship style, we couldn't resist each other and had sex for a half hour before getting dressed. My wife has curves that won't quit and I can't say no to them.

As we ventured downstairs, we noticed Renee and Sophia had come inside and were cleaning the scales off one of the fish. I could tell that Soph was loving her time with Renee that first day she and Ari were staying with us.

"Howdy ladies, did you catch anything else?" I walked in to where Sophia was watching Renee, and kissed my daughter on her cheek after asking my question.

"Yeah, Renee did. She went and fished in the middle of the river. It was cool to watch her make her fishing line fly and see her catch a fish. She even let me help with the net once she got close to the bank again."

"Sophia, your first fish is out there, I promise. When you do catch it, you'll be excited because of how patient you'll have been. Things sometimes mean more to you when they don't come easily. Sounds crazy, I know, but it's true." Renee patted her sous chef for the day on the shoulder after dispelling advice.

"So ladies, what's for dinner tonight?" Arizona had just come downstairs, hair still damp, but mostly dry after the amount of rolling around we had just gotten in before leaving our bedroom and coming downstairs. 

"Funny you should ask, Arizona. I had hoped we'd catch some fish, but had no idea we'd catch 3 on the first day. I brought ingredients to make a few dishes however, just in case. So, we are going to have Trout Almondine, a Trout Branzino and I'm going to fillet and smoke the 3rd Trout, with Sophia's help this afternoon."

"Wow, Renee! You're ambitious to say the least, I can't wait! Please let Arizona and I know what side dishes we can make. If we don't have the ingredients we need, the store is only 15 minutes from the house." 

"Actually Callie, I brought along things to make our side dishes too. If you guys want to take some time today for yourselves, Sophia and I can make dinner and hang out. It's been awhile since we've seen each other. Plus, I'm still waiting to see how Ari is feeling here soon and need to stick around the house."

Just then, we all heard Ari get up and drop something on the floor. My guess was it was her cell phone or water bottle. Turns out it was both in her confusion of waking up that early afternoon.

Without hesitation, I walked towards the downstairs bedroom to check on my sister. It struck me in milliseconds that I should have asked Renee's permission... Nonetheless, Renee and I made eye contact just before I entered the bedroom, so I could tell Renee was fine with me opening the door to assess Ari in that split-second.

When I got in the room, it smelled horrible between my sister's bad breath and vomit. She had just knocked her phone and water bottle off the nightstand in the process of trying to get up. When I walked in, she was whimpering a bit from her pain.

"Ari, are you doing okay? What do you need?"

That's when the floodgate of tears erupted. "Callie, I am so sorry about last night and this morning, I didn't mean to..."

I had laid down next to her, on top of the covers, in the bed she was sleeping in. "Ari, it's okay, things happen. I may be a little bit mad at you, but my main concern right now is to make sure you are okay, lil' sis. Do you want me to hold you, or will that hurt too much?"

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