It's Hard To Be A Good Man In A Storm

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Arizona's POV:

It was the night before Callie and I would officially be returning to work and concluding our maternity leave. We had gotten home that day from our romantic weekend and had just enough energy left to unpack. 

Callie and I were in our bedroom, while Sophia was playing video games in the media room. Maddy was sleeping next to us in her bassinet. The only movement we could see from our youngest, was the rise and fall of her chest as she slept.

We were busy putting most of our things into laundry piles when we realized we both had enough between us to run a couple loads of laundry. So, we started sorting our dirty clothes together by lights, darks and dry clean only. 

"Look Arizona, even our clothes still want to roll around together like we were all weekend!" Callie was giggling and pointing to our soiled weekend clothes heaped on the floor in small mountains.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, but it was mostly because of how bad Callie's humor was in that moment.

"Really Callie? That's the best you could do?" Callie knew I was giving her a bad time for her "Dad Joke," humor just then.

"I didn't have much to work with and I'm exhausted from all my weekend activities. You see, I spent three days with a smokin', hot, blonde woman in a hotel room and she completely wore me out from all the sex. Mind you, I'm not complaining in the least, but doing just the opposite."

"And that's your cover for bad humor? Flirting with me?" I was very obviously being sarcastic with Callie and she was playing right along.

Callie nodded her head, Yes, but said nothing while she looked at me with her, "Puppy-dog Eyes," as her countermove.

"You think you can just give me that puppy dog look and I'll melt, don't you?" I had just finished throwing one last shirt onto the pile of dark clothes.

Callie was shooting me her hopefully, maybe-look by this point, as I laughed.

"You think I'm just that easy Torres, don't you?" Callie was still flashing me her eager smile.

I walked over to where she was standing, wrapped my arms dramatically across her upper body and passionately started kissing her. After a few seconds I said, "It's a good thing your are so darn sexy. It covers for your bad jokes."

We both chuckled and went back to deeply kissing one another, Callie's arms were now wrapped around my upper body as we swapped saliva for a minute. 

"Moms," there was a knock just then on our open bedroom door, "Any chance you guys can take a break for a while? I wanted to tell you something important."

"Of course Bug, your Mama and I were just telling each other how much we love one another."

"You mean what you two do all the time?"

I spoke up before Callie could, "Yes, Soph. We do tend to kiss each other a lot, but that's only because of how much we love the other one."

"I know and I am still cool with it when I see it, but I also don't want to see it all the time though because you are still my Moms."

"Fair enough, so what's your important news you need to tell your Mama and I?" After talking, Callie sat down on the edge of the bed to listen, but I already knew what Sophia was going to say. Just before my Mom left that late afternoon, she let me know about Sophia's surprise for our evening, for planning purposes.

"Just so you know, don't eat anything and ruin your appetite, because I'm making you both dinner tonight." Our daughter was beaming as she displayed her smile of happiness and excitement regarding her culinary accomplishment.

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