What To Expect When You're Expecting Part II

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Callie's POV:

"Oh my god, where the frack are they?!" I had just scrubbed out of surgery and sprinted down the stairs to the ER. I had busied myself with pacing inside of the ER entrance doors while I was anxiously waiting for Arizona to arrive so we could get her to Maternity. In my right hand I was holding my cell phone and in the other hand, my pager. I wanted to be as prepared as I could be if Arizona needed to get a hold of me.

Apparently, I had also begun muttering to myself in Spanish as I paced up and down in a line that was about 8 feet in length. Simultaneously, my left upper eyelid kept involuntarily twitching from all my pent-up angst. I was no doubt a sight to behold for all who laid eyes on me. 

I already knew I paced when I was nervous, but muttering to myself in Spanish was something new to me. Normally, I have always used Spanish when I was upset or when I was feeling passionate, okay I'll rephrase that since I'm remarried, wanting sex with Arizona. 

Now, it seems I was starting to use it unconsciously in times of stress. So not a good sign I realized...

It's amazing what stress can do to a person and boy, was I stressed out about Arizona giving birth for many reasons. More importantly, this was our first time going through the birth process as parents and not as doctors. Since Sophia's birth was surgical and early due to the car accident, this was all new to us. As someone who likes to always be in control, I already knew a lot of things were going to be unknown to us as we went through the birth.

It's accurate that things are always different until, they finally happen to you. Drives me crazy, but the older I get, the more that sentiment rings true for me. No wonder why I was feeling the weight of everything in that moment. Arizona driving herself to the hospital didn't help that weight and if anything, it had tipped the scales of my anxiety.

"Callie Torres, what in the world are you actually doing? My gawd, you look like a side act at a circus!" Bailey grabbed my upper left arm and pulled me into an empty conference room. "Get in here and stop whatever that was I just had to witness. You're probably scaring patients to death out there. Lord knows you're scaring me."

Bailey was right, I realized she was trying to make light of things, but, I forgot I was still wearing scrubs and my hospital ID. Patients were probably starting to look at me and wonder what was going on.

"Bailey, it's Arizona, she's driving and she's in..."

Bailey waved her hand to stop my talking and said, "I know all about Arizona being in early labor and that she is driving herself to the hospital right now. I know you are stressed and worried, but no good can come from (Bailey mimicked my pacing with two fingers while she was twitching her left upper eyelid) whatever that was in the ER, just now."

"But what if Arizona has a contraction, or what if she gets in to an accident? I'm not with her and it's making me go nuts I can't protect her right now." Bailey put her right hand on my upper left arm and held on for a moment.

"Callie, your wife is an absolute, brilliant, surgeon and she's one of the best I've ever worked with. Do you want to know why? I'll tell you. Despite her huge brain and precise surgical skills, Arizona Robbins is sensible. She doesn't do anything that is risky, unless there is valuable gain to be made. She is sensible and operates to the right side of every surgical situation, the side I always choose myself."

I nodded yes, as Bailey squeezed my upper arm and then let go. "So, stop worrying and doing that weird Spanish dance in the ER. It's time for you to pull it together for your family and help get everyone through this experience. Your job going forward is to be a rock for your family and to stop worrying about your Sensible wife."

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