Something Wicked This Way Comes...

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Arizona's POV:

It was getting closer to 5 o'clock that evening, when we heard the front door open and Callie and Soph walk in. My parents and I were sitting in the Media room, there was a fire burning and they were having what must have been their 5th cup of coffee that afternoon. 

I'm sure this sounds excessive to most people, but my parents have been coffee consuming machines since I could remember. Growing up, it wasn't uncommon on the weekends for them to go through two pots of coffee between 5 am and 7 am. 

Sophia was first to greet us when she came bounding in to the room. She was clearly on a sugar high that had peaked from her manic behavior. Like a Roman candle of information, she started spouting off things they had done in small bursts of conversation. It was actually funny to watch my parents' faces, as they tried to keep up with her fast paced storytelling.

"Hey Bug, do I get a kiss?" I had just put Maddy back in her bassinet when Soph threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. Callie walked in the room looking completely exhausted as she said hello to my parents and then kissed me. 

"So, tell me something Torres," Sophia was ignoring Callie and I, and was focused on telling her grandparents about her near miss on the pitching video game. "How much of a sugar high is our daughter on?"

"Well, let's put it this way... we're probably going to need a crowbar to pry her off the ceiling by the end of the night." Callie half smiled at me, but I could tell something was bothering her.

"Callie, is everything okay?" She had sat down next to me on the couch, but instead of sitting, she collapsed into the sofa from what looked like fatigue.

Sophia's conversation with my parents had come to a lull, so the entire group managed to hear me ask Callie my question about Callie's well being.

"Mom and I saw a mean lady at lunch that wasn't very nice to her."

I looked over at Callie with a silent but curious look on my face. Callie shook her head and rolled her eyes before saying, "It's no big deal. Just someone from my past that we briefly bumped into. I'll tell you about it later, Arizona."

I noticed Callie's demeanor was one associated with a lot of emotions at that point. Callie's never been very good at hiding her feelings and this was one of those times. I think my Mom picked up on it too, as she silently watched the interchange between Callie and I. That's when I noticed my parents quietly conversing.

"Grandpa, want to see my Lego set I just finished? It's a boat and it actually floats!" My Dad smiled and got up to follow Sophia for her to give him a personal, "Show and Tell." 

That left the three of us in the Media room, so my Mom piped up and said, "Now, I didn't want to ask in front of Sophia, but would it be okay if she spent the night at our house? I thought you girls could use a break and maybe some time together. What do you say?"

"I'm speaking for myself, but I'd have to be a complete fool to say, No, to an offer like that. Barbara, if Soph wants to spend the night, that's fine with me."

"I'm fine with it too, Mom. And, thank you. I think we could use some alone time together this evening."

"Great, it's settled then. I'll go let Sophia know to start packing." We watched as my Mom headed down the hallway and then heard squealing from Sophia as she learned the news. Thankfully my Mom was helping her pack, so at least she would remember the important things like her toothbrush and pajamas.

Taking advantage of our, "alone" time, I turned to Callie and said, "Who did you run into today? Who ever it was had an effect on you, I can tell from your mood this evening that something or someone is bothering you."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora