Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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Arizona's POV:

We both were awakened by the sunlight streaming into the bedroom skylights in the treehouse the next morning, about 30 minutes before our alarm was about to summon us. 

That morning, Callie leaned over and cuddled tighter into me than she normally does in our own bed. I think my adorable woman was just trying to shield her eyes from the bright light, but I found it beyond sweet and a bit childlike. It made me snuggle my fiancé a bit tighter than I normally do as well for the next few minutes. That's when I realized we had a pod-coffee maker in the treehouse kitchenette, and quietly slipped out of bed to make coffee for the two of us.

Once we both had coffee on our bedside tables, I snuggled back into bed. The aroma from the coffee seemed to wake up Calliope and she started using words again and not grunts. 

"Arizona, what time is it? When do we need to go inside and get ready?"

"Callie, we have about 30 minutes and I thought we could have coffee together, before we go in the house and make sure Sophia is up and getting ready."

"Okay baby, this is nice and I'm enjoying my view, if you know what I mean." My breasts were exposed, even though my lower half was under the sheets, and Callie was busy ogling me and my boobs.

"Callie!" I started laughing at her leering glances and leaned in to kiss her adorable, full, soft, lips.

"Arizona, we didn't talk last night about the donor for your pregnancy, any thoughts at this point as to which profile you liked?"

"I am leaning towards the one with a PhD in math, that also runs marathons, or, the Pharmacist that married his boyfriend he met while they attended Pharmacy school together. What about you, Callie?"

"I agree and think either would be a fine choice. Is there one donor you're more interested in? Also, you said you wanted to get things going sooner than later, what timeline did you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking within the next cycle we should try. For me that's going to be within a couple weeks. Is that too soon, Callie?"

"No sweetheart, I think that's perfect. I can marry you and then help get you knocked-up, all within the same month!" Callie started laughing, as I lightly hit her with my pillow.

We cuddled and loosely talked about things the next 15 minutes, until we needed to go look after our daughter.

Instead of putting our clothes back on from last night, we dawned our plush robes in the treehouse and flip-flops before heading back to the house. When we walked into the kitchen, we were greeted by my parents and Sophia eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Ladies, we have breakfast ready for you whenever you are ready to eat." My Mom smiled as she motioned to the already cooked scrambled eggs, sausage and hash browns on the stove that were in warming mode. 

"Barbara and Colonel, we are seriously going to miss having you both here next week." Callie leaned in and kissed my Mom, as I kissed my Dad.

"Mom, we are going to go shower and get dressed before we eat, thank you. Sophia, are you ready for school?" My Mom nodded behind my daughter that she was.

"Yes, Mama, I am. Grandma helped me get ready this morning since I woke up early. You and Mom weren't in your bedroom when I got up, so I spent time with grandma. You guys stayed in the treehouse without me!"

"I'm sorry Bug, but your Mom and I needed to talk last night and ended up staying in the treehouse when it got too late. How about we find a night this coming weekend for a slumber party with the 3 of us? Does that sound okay?"

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