It's A Nice Day For A White Wedding Part IV

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Callie's POV:

(As Arizona was going through her process of getting ready for the wedding, this is what my experience was the same day...)

I was in Sophia's bedroom and bathroom, trying to keep my nerves in check, while finishing my make-up and hair, when Meredith knocked on my door.

"Callie, how are you doing? Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Meredith, you can come in." I was wearing my robe and had just started taking the rollers out of my hair.

"Do you need anything, Callie?" 

"I'm good Meredith, just starting to freak out a bit about being on display and especially about saying my vows to a room with all those people."

"Look at it this way, all the wedding guests are our friends or your family. There is no reason to be nervous because you will know everyone that is in attendance."

"I guess that's true." I let out a huge sigh. "I also just keep reminding myself, that within the next hour, I will finally be married to the woman I love, again. So, all my pent-up angst will be worth it when all is said and done."

"Are you sure you don't want me to get you a glass of champagne? It may help with your nerves."

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea Meredith, thank you."

She walked out and found one of the catering staff and was back in about 5 minutes with the glass of bubbles.

"Thanks Meredith. Want to stay and help with my hair?"

"Sure Callie, that's what I am here for. What are you doing, just going for wavy hair, or do you also want some more defined curls?"

"I am going for both, I have the curling iron plugged in and ready to go."

We went in the bathroom and I sat down on a chair I had brought in the bathroom that afternoon.

"So tell me something Callie, are you absolutely sure that it is going to work between the two of you this time? I don't want to see either one of you get hurt again. I've never seen Arizona so miserable as she was that first year after your divorce. She practically cried between patients and procedures that entire year."

"And I remember how profoundly hurt you were after you discovered Arizona's hook-up with that Jezebel of a surgeon? I don't want to see you go through that again, either."

"Meredith, while I can't say everything is foolproof, our love for one another has changed since we first met. We've also grown as people, as doctors and as co-parents. I am not exactly sure how to put this into words, but our bond has changed during our time apart and now that we are back together. I trust Arizona will not hurt me or ever betray my trust again. We are both determined to make our relationship work this time."

"Callie, if you are confident about that, I am thrilled for you both. I must say, since you got back together, your relationship seems stronger and both of you seem happier than you've been in years. Congratulations on finally figuring out your love for one another."

"Now, let's get your hair fixed and get you dressed. You've got a woman that will be waiting to marry you in about 30 minutes."

With that, Meredith helped me finish up my hair and I got dressed. My Dad knocked on the bedroom door not long after I got dressed and finished the glass of champagne.

"Calliope, are you dressed and ready?"

"Daddy, you can come in."

My Father opened the door and beamed when he saw me. "Calliope, you look like an absolutely beautiful woman in that dress. I can't wait to walk you down the aisle and present you to Arizona. She will be blown away when she sees you in that dress."

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