The Ticking Maternal Clock Part II

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Callie's POV:

We had gotten up to make lunch, not long after planning our girl's night. I had Arizona go sit and relax on the couch, which I had planned on her doing the next couple of days. Since it was a rainy day in the Emerald City, we decided we wanted comfort food, and I was making us grilled cheese sandwiches and soup.

I grabbed our wooden tray tables and set them up so we would be seated next to each other on the couch while facing the TV. 

"Callie, you really do not need to wait on me hand and foot, I'm fine doing things for myself. As long as I don't do anything strenuous, like run a half marathon, the success of implantation will be the same."

"I know and I don't care, I still want to take care of you the next couple of days. Resting up and taking it easy is the best thing for you right now. So, if that means I need to be your chef, butler, maid, chauffeur and pool boy the next two days, so be it!"

"Pool boy? We don't even have a pool." Arizona started laughing at my irreverent humor.

"I was counting Sophia's inflatable one that's being stored in a box in the garage as our pool. The point is, I'm going to take care of you heavily the next few days whether you like it or not."

"Who am I to complain for getting waited on the next couple of days? When do I place my order for breakfast tomorrow? What time will my bath be drawn this evening? What hour should I expect my turndown service tonight?"

I started tickling Arizona and eventually started kissing her. Aria happened to walk in at that same moment we were kissing, but we didn't hear her because of the TV.

"Seriously, is that all you two do? Make-out 24/7?" Ari was smiling as she inquired.

"Funny, Ari, very funny. And yes, I can't seem to take my hands off my wife and I don't care what anyone thinks about it." For dramatic effect, I pulled in Arizona for a deep, long slow, kiss. Arizona played along and reciprocated the same passion I had behind my kiss.

"You know I was giving you both a hard time and I'm envious of your relationship. I've noticed this week the way you both can communicate, just with your facial expressions. To me, that shows just how connected you both are. However disgusting it can be to witness."

"Thank you Ari for your kind words, it's nice to know we have you on our side within your family." Arizona rubbed my back for a few moments after saying that to my sister.

"So, what's on the agenda for tonight ladies?" Ari had plopped down on the opposite side of our sectional couch, still wearing her business suit and high heels.

"Well, Soph was in a bit of a funk this morning, so we promised her a girl's night. It's when we eat our dinners on tray tables, while watching a movie and wearing our pajamas. We had Sophia pick our dinner tonight, which is coming from the local burger drive-in not far from here. She requested cheeseburgers, milkshakes and fries."

"Sounds good to me! My niece has good taste." Ari was smiling from her corner of the couch. Since we were pretty much done with our late lunch, I took our dishes into the kitchen when Arizona asked, "How was your day Ari?"

I could still hear my little sister talk as I put the dishes in the dishwasher. 

"It was good, Arizona. I signed documents for my bid on the condo and my contracts for my new job. I even got the opportunity to walk around the law practice and meet a lot of the staff and other attorneys. Everyone seems very welcoming and I felt encouraged after leaving. Can't say that I've ever felt that way in my Mother's practice, even after being there for 10-plus years."

"Hey girls, Sophia is almost done with school for the day and I need to go pick her up. Do either of you care to join me?" I came back into the media room as I asked my question.

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