The Dating Game

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Arizona's POV:

Callie and I had just said our goodbyes to Teddy, Renee and Sophia, as we headed out for a night on the town. 

Well, by night on the town, I mean, two 40-something year old women actually leaving their house for a change on a Saturday night. We had traded-in our spit rags, diapers and adorable daughters for the evening in order to be Callie and Arizona, 'the couple.'

"Arizona, are you taking a jacket, or can we share an umbrella this evening? I don't think it's suppose to rain, but just in case, is the large umbrella still in the car?"

"It should be Callie, I haven't touched it in forever. The only time I use that umbrella is during Soph's soccer or softball games, otherwise, I use the hood on my jacket."

"You still haven't told me where you are taking me, Dr. Robbins."

"In due time Dr. Torres, you will know. Now, let me..."

Arizona's arm was still latched through mine as she opened the passenger door for me to climb in the car.

"Look at you, pulling out all the stops on taking care of me this evening!"

Arizona had closed my door and quickly got behind the wheel. "I'm always protective and supportive of you all the time, for the record, Callie."

"I know you are, I just like the level you are taking it to tonight. You realize I get to plan and surprise you with our next date night, right? It's only fair that I get a turn to show you how romantic and charming I can be when given the opportunity."

"If anybody knows how romantic and charming you can be, I'm that person. When we were still with our ex's, not long ago, I remember what your charisma did to me. I distinctly recall not being able to keep my hands to myself when you were around me."

"You forgot about your arms, legs, feet and lips, that were also involved, Dr. Robbins! I was quite beguiling during that time, wasn't I?"

"You must have been, because sitting here talking with you now, I'm starting to question how I fell for it back then!"

I watched Callie scrunch up her face and then felt her grab me and give me a tight bear hug in order to, "torture," me for my crass comment just then.

"You think you're so funny, don't you, Dr. Robbins?" Callie had started gently tickling my sides as she then began to slowly kiss up and down the side of my neck.

"Callie, this is nice, don't forget this for later, okay?" I had goosebumps that started erupting on the same side of my body that Callie was sensually kissing. It was all I could do to keep speaking and pull my focus away from the pleasure.

"As much as I am loving this Calliope, we should get going. We don't want to miss our dinner reservation."

Callie nodded, snorted, and said, "Oh, I remember too well the times we've missed reservations in this city and all the various outcomes. You have to appreciate how our careers have complicated our restaurant bookings over the years!"

Callie was referring to all the times we had made reservations for dinners, only to have our work lives thwart our ability to arrive on time. Trust me when I say it drives me nuts when that happens, and it happened quite a bit in our early years as surgeons that had no seniority.

"So do I, so let's get going, sweetie, shall we?" I smiled after speaking to Callie as she smiled back at me with her dimples showing.

"Let's go then, Dr. Robbins. I am completely and happily your puppet for the evening and am looking forward to you playing with me later tonight."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu