There's No Winners and There's No Losers Part II

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Callie's POV:

The three of us had just finished our ice cream when we heard Madelyn start fussing. I immediately got up and went to see what she needed. Meanwhile, I could hear the sounds of Arizona and Sophia cleaning up the mess in the kitchen from our desserts.

"Hey sweet girl, what's the matter?" I was speaking to Maddy who was about to have her whimper, turn into a full blown cry.

I picked her up and could tell she had wet her diaper, so I took her to the changing table in the nursery to get her dry and happy again. During the last few weeks, Maddy sometimes needed time in her rocker after being fed or changed. Since everything was in the nursery, it was just easier to walk her down the hall.

Thankfully though, on that evening, our youngest was tired and only needed a change before I carried her back into our bedroom to sleep. Arizona was under the covers already, but was propped up by pillows while she looked at her tablet with her glasses on. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, with a few whisps of hair cascading down and around her face. She looked absolutely stunning in that moment and I couldn't wait to hop into bed with her.

"Callie, do you need my help at all?" Arizona looked like she was ready to get up when I responded back to her.

"No, but thank you for offering, Arizona. She's falling back to sleep and just needs to be rocked a few more times. In fact, I meant to say this earlier, but I feel bad that I left you to take care of our girls the last 24 hours. So, as part of my apology, I will be taking care of Maddy tonight and getting our daughters ready tomorrow."

"Callie, that is a nice offer and I am tired enough I will take you up on it. However, if you need me, please wake me, okay?"

"Of course, Arizona, but we'll be fine."

I had just placed Maddy is her bassinet, before changing into my pajamas and crawling under the covers to sit upright and watch the local news with minimal volume. As I snuggled under the covers, I felt Arizona roll over and start kissing my lips. I, of course, passionately kissed her back.

"I have missed you since you left last night." Arizona had separated from me to speak, as we still faced each other.

I started gently stroking her left cheek and said, "I have missed you tremendously," and leaned back in to kiss her again.

Just then, we heard a knock on our door, so we moved apart as we invited Sophia to come in and join us.

"What's up Bug, is everything alright? Are you ready for bed?" Soph was standing at the footboard on Arizona's side of our bed, as Arizona spoke to her.

"I'm ready, but can I fall asleep in here tonight? I promise not to be grumpy when you tuck me in to my bed."

Our daughter had really honed her pathetic look and was giving us an Oscar-worthy performance, but since we're softies when it comes to our daughters, we, of course, agreed she could. We also had some guilt we were still trying to assuage after realizing Sophia was aware of our argument and was so concerned.

"Of course Soph, come join us." I patted at the space my wife and I had just made between us for Sophia to join us.

Sophia wasted no time and leaped in next to her Moms. We both leaned over and kissed her opposite cheeks from our positions. She let out a cute giggle and beamed with happiness, as she snuggled into both of us.

Within no time, we could hear Soph's familiar snoring start, so Arizona put down her tablet, took off her glasses and switched off her bedside lamp. 

"Do you want me to leave the TV on, or turn it off, Arizona? If it's disturbing you, I can turn it off."

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