River Deep, Mountain High

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Arizona's POV:

After all three of us used the upstairs bathrooms, we headed back downstairs to the open-concept main room and kitchen. It was a chilly mountain morning, but sunny. I decided to start a fire to warm up the 1st floor, while Callie started making coffee and frying bacon. 

Sophia had tucked herself into one of the couches with a blanket and her tablet. She also turned on the TV and was watching an old movie she had seen a million times before. I noticed she had gone back to photo editing and was barely paying much attention to the movie though. Typical kid this day and age, they need several things going at once to be entertained. I remember just being happy to get TV reception when I was my daughter's age.

After the fire was started, I headed into the kitchen to help Callie, when she suddenly pulled me into her, wrapped her arms around me and planted a deep, long kiss on my lips. Sophia was too busy with all the electronics to even notice.

"Good morning gorgeous, this is for you." Callie handed me a cup of herbal tea for me to warm up with.

"The coffee smells better, but thank you sweetie for being so considerate to make it for me." I kissed Callie's cheek, before taking a sip of the passion fruit tea and setting down the mug. "What can I do to help? Did you still want me to make French Toast this morning or something else?"

"French Toast!" Soph made her wishes known from the couch rather loudly when Callie kindly shushed her.

"Bug, your Aunt and Renee are still sleeping, we need to keep it down, okay? Just till they get up."

"Okay, sorry, I forgot."

"It's okay Bug, I was just reminding you." Callie then whispered under her breath to me, "I plan to encourage our daughter to make lots of noise once Ari surfaces though!" Both of us had to suppress our laughter after Callie spoke.

As I started making the brioche salted caramel French Toast, we heard the downstairs master bedroom door open as Renee stepped out and then closed the door. 

"Good morning, Renee!" Sophia bounded off the couch and almost collided with Renee as she charged her pretty hard for a hug. Renee was able to scoop her up though, as Soph wrapped her legs around Renee's waist. The two of them had a huge, tight embrace for a good minute. The relationship those two have always makes me smile and remember why I was attracted to Renee myself.

"How's my favorite munchkin doing today?" Renee kissed her cheek after asking, as she continued to hold Soph at their eye level.

"I'm good, we slept in the tent last night until Aunt Ari woke us up, but Mama and I went back to sleep once Aunt Ari found the back door. She was kinda loud, but that's okay. Where is Aunt Ari?"

"Well, she's still sleeping. She's been staying up late the last few weeks working on a law case, but she finished it yesterday. I have a feeling she will be asleep for a while this morning as she catches up on her sleep."

"Renee? Wanna see my pictures I've taken this Summer with my new camera my Mom's got me for my class? I took some yesterday too on our hike."

"Of course I do!" Soph grabbed Renee's hand and led her to the couch to look at her tablet. Soph was talking a mile a minute, but in fine Renee form, she was patient and listened to everything Sophia had to say, and gave her compliments while she looked on. It's a shame Renee doesn't have any children because she would have made an amazing mom.

"Good morning, you." I had walked over to set down a cup of coffee on the end table for Renee with cream, no sugar. It's her usual way she drinks her coffee, and I figured she could use it after last night and now that she was listening to my little chatterbox. "How is your "friend" feeling this morning?" 

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