Love Is a Battlefield

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Arizona's POV:

My heart was racing as I kicked Callie out of my room and back to hers. Simultaneously, I heard the front door close and Renee's footsteps coming closer by the second to the bedroom hallway. I was praying that Callie would make it back to her bedroom, before Renee turned the corner and spotted her running down the hall.

"Arizona, it's me sweetheart, are you awake?" Renee had walked in, closed the bedroom door and set down her suitcase. 

"Sort of, but what are you doing home Renee and especially at such an early time of day?" (I, of course, was already awake.) The adrenaline and shock of almost getting caught snuggling with Callie, was more effective at waking me, then any caffeinated beverage I'd ever had.

I could hear Renee start undressing and taking off her jewelry. Without turning on any lights, she crawled into bed and wrapped her arms around me from behind and spooned me.

"I have missed this so much, just being able to hold you makes everything instantly better, I love you Arizona and have missed you."

I noticed Renee had stripped off all her clothes and was sleeping naked. Nothing new, she does this periodically when she's trying to turn me on, is running too warm, or is just too lazy to put on her boy shorts and one of many t-shirts she usually sleeps in.

"Renee, did you lock the door?"

"I did already and double checked it in fact. Sophia won't find me without my clothes on, no worries my dear."

"And the reason I'm back, my Dad is showing improvement and is stable, but I needed some more clothes. I also missed you and Sophia and wanted to see my two girls. I couldn't sleep tonight and just decided it would be easier to wake up in our bed, with you this morning."

"In that case Renee, let's get some sleep. You are probably exhausted after your 3 hour drive from Portland."

And with that, Renee was out within 5 minutes. I continued to lay there, head now spinning, with thoughts about almost getting caught and how to break-up with Renee. Let's face it, there is never an easy way to break someone's heart. Finally, my exhaustion got the better of me and I drifted off, at least until 5 am when Callie's alarm went off.

Oh my gawd, Callie left her phone on Renee's bedside table, with the alarm still set. I understood why she left it behind in her mad dash to avoid getting caught, but how in the world was I going to explain this to Renee?! Fraack!

"What the hell, Arizona?" Renee woke up startled, fumbled over a couple books on her table, and handed me Callie's cell. "Who's phone is this?"

I can usually think quickly on my feet, like all surgeons should be able to do, so I instantly came up with a lie. Meanwhile, the volume of the alarm was slowly increasing on Callie's password protected phone. I had already put on my prosthetic and was headed towards the bedroom door.

"It's Callie's, she must have left in here last night when we were going over Sophia's and our schedules for the next couple of days. Hang on, let me go take it to her."

I didn't even knock, I just opened Callie's door, walked in, and handed her the cell phone. 

"Arizona, I am so sorry." Callie was frantically typing in her password in order to turn off the alarm. "I accidentally forgot my phone in my haste of trying to get out of your bedroom."

"Calliope, it's okay, I know. Don't worry about it, I know why it happened." I kissed her cheek as I headed towards the door.

"Arizona, I know this is going to cause problems for you and Renee."

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