Rumor Has It Part II

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Callie's POV:

I was not looking forward to heading to work the day after Arizona and Renee broke-up. Thanks to Meredith, I already knew what fellow colleagues and staff members thought about Arizona and myself. 

My only saving grace that morning, was I had two back-to-back knee replacement surgeries scheduled first thing and would only need to deal with the staff in the OR, not the hospital at large.

After the procedures, I wandered into the cafeteria to grab some lunch. When I walked in, the cafeteria literally went silent. Walking in to a room where you realize most of the room had been talking about you is rather disheartening and daunting. 

I decided to just grab whatever I could that was already made and get the heck out. You could cut the tension in the air with a scalpel at that moment, and I no longer wanted to be a part of it.

As I headed back to my office, I heard Miranda from the other end of the hallway to our offices say...

"Dr. Torres!" Miranda had the same look of determination on her face that she always executes so very well, as she tried to get my attention.

"Hey Bailey, what do you need?" I had finally gotten close enough to Bailey in the hallway to engage in a conversation.

"I see that you have your lunch in-hand, as do I. Any chance you'd want to eat with me in my office? That cafeteria is like a torture chamber some days, and I just couldn't handle it today."

I knew what Miranda was up to, but also wanted someone to talk with that afternoon.

"Agree and I would enjoy having some company for lunch." With that, I followed Bailey into her office, with my food.

"Callie, we've known each other since we started our residencies, and trust me when I tell you, I don't even want to account how many years that's exactly been. Suffice to say, we've gone through a lot together."

I just nodded, as I sat down in a chair in front of Bailey's desk and started picking at the Cobb salad I bought from the hospital cafeteria.

"So, what's with the rumors going on about you, Arizona and Renee?"

"Bailey, promise me this stays between us if I tell you?"

"Of course Torres, you know I'm a woman of discretion, always."

"Arizona and Renee broke-up."

I kept pretending to try to pick at my salad, like it was more interesting, but, I was actually just trying to feel-out Bailey's reaction to my comment.

"Well, I am not surprised and saw that coming since you rolled into town last Thanksgiving."

I have always appreciated how Bailey doesn't mince words, ever.

"You did? How did you know Bailey?"

"Sheesh girl, wise-up, you and Arizona can't even stand in the same room and not flirt or make goofy eyes with each other. For those of us that know you, we've already talked about the unspoken chemistry you two share. Yet you both got so wrapped up in your lives a few years ago, that you managed to forget how truly magical it is to have that type of love for someone else, let alone the mother of your daughter."

"Bailey, I agree with everything you just said and am determined from this moment going forward, not to screw it up this time."

"Glad you and Rollergirl finally came to your senses! Does this mean you guys are back together?"

"It does, but we aren't truly going public just yet. We are keeping things quiet till we are ready."

"Smart thinking, but you ladies do realize the folks that knew you as a married couple already know or suspect?"

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