The Dog Days of Summer Are Over Part II

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Callie's POV:

I was trying to work in my office that afternoon, but after seeing my wife and her ex-girlfriend, I couldn't focus. Instead, all I kept thinking about was how I had been the catalyst that broke-up their relationship. Not to say that they would have stayed together anyway, but I certainly didn't help.

It also made me start thinking about Penny, and how heartbreaking it was to have witnessed her having sex in her lab with Sarah, the Ortho resident. I'm sure Renee felt the same way when she heard my cell phone alarm go off that fateful, early, morning that would forever change all our lives. While Arizona and I hadn't had a sexual relationship when my 5 am alarm sounded that day, we had done plenty by that point and had committed adultery for all intense purposes.

We had moments we'd share kisses or prolonged physical contact, leading up to their break-up. More importantly, we had mentally fallen back in love with one another and as far as I'm concerned, that's far worse than just having a physical relationship to some degree. Once you become romantically and emotionally linked to someone other than your partner, you've just cheated.

I really liked Renee and the way she had taken care of Sophia during her tenure with Arizona, but had some trepidation about spending time with her that night. I knew I was overreacting and things would be fine, or she wouldn't have stopped in to see Arizona that afternoon. Still, the Catholic guilt in me had begun to well-up. 

It finally got to the point, I wasn't getting any work done and just decided to leave early for the day.

On the way home, I stopped and picked-up 2 dozen red and yellow roses, to give Arizona. When I pulled up in our driveway, I noticed Renee's car parked on the street. As I walked into the house, I could hear the sounds of someone in the kitchen and was greeted by the smell of garlic simmering in something and heard soft music playing on the streaming device in the same room.

The music covered up the sounds of my movements and as I walked in, and there she was, my drop dead gorgeous wife. Arizona appeared to be chopping and prepping the ingredients we needed for dinner that night. Her beautiful blond hair, was swept up off her neck in a haphazard ponytail. She was wearing a deep, blue apron over her leggings and shirt and was without shoes. 

"Hey my love," I said, as I had already approached near her, then deeply kissed her and handed over the roses.

"Callie, what are these for?" She had her genuine smile on her face as she asked.

"Oh, I just felt inspired on the way home to buy you some flowers, my amazing wife."

"Well, thank you, they are beautiful Callie. However, part of me is wondering if part of you felt prompted to buy them because my ex-girlfriend is having dinner with us tonight?" Arizona tipped her chin down, while raising her eyebrows as she spoke. She had her normal inquisitive and investigative look plastered across her face.

"No, of course not." Arizona still had her head tipped downward with the same look as I spoke. Wow, does this woman know how to get me to crack. She just kept looking at me the same way until I spoke again.

"Not entirely... okay, maybe a little... alright fine!" She was giggling a bit, as she set down the bouquet and motioned me to come closer to her.

"So, Calliope, you do realize I chose you, I married you and we are the ones having a baby together? While I still care about Renee, she's not the one I picked to live my life with and raise our children with, I picked you, sweetheart." Arizona had wrapped her arms around my waist and had already pulled me into her as she spoke.

"I know," I said sheepishly, while looking down at the floor while slightly kicking the front tip of my right shoe into the ground.

"In that case Dr. Torres, you have nothing to worry about, okay? I promise. You are the one I want to be with for life and longer, promise."

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