There's No Place Like Home... Part II

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Callie's POV:

I had just gotten home from Cleveland and it seemed like seconds later, I was sucked in to a family drama. Thankfully Arizona had forgiven me for accusing her of cheating, something I would have a difficult time doing if our roles had been reversed. 

While I was mad at myself for believing Ari, I was completely furious what Ari had done. Because of all my anger, I slept poorly the first part of the night and by 2 am, finally gave up on sleep. I kept tossing and turning and having terrible dreams so I figured doing something else would be better than pretty much laying there.

As I quietly went to get up, Arizona stirred from her slumber. She must have heard me put on a sweatshirt over my shirt and a pair of pajama pants over my boy shorts. 

"Callie, where are you going? What time is it?" She was still pretty groggy as she spoke, one of her blond strands of hair was sticking straight-up as a result of sleeping.

"Sweetie, it's early and I can't sleep. I'm going to go read for a bit. You should go back to bed, okay?" I had walked to Arizona's side of the bed and kissed her cheek as I finished talking.

I was pretty sure her mumble in response meant, 'yes,' because I tucked her back into bed and quietly closed our door.

Like Arizona, I was still groggy myself so I headed down the hall and into the kitchen to make some coffee. I figured I was already up and probably wasn't going back to bed, so why not. Plus, it was still well below normal December temps for Seattle and despite running the heat, the house was much colder than usual and the hot coffee was sounding better the longer I was up.

While the coffee was brewing, I did a survey of the kitchen and pantry to see what Arizona had snagged from the grocery store while I was in the Midwest. As usual, being from a military family, Arizona had stocked our family up for at least a week. I absolutely love that about her though. While I tend to be unorganized sometimes, Arizona is like a precision clock and never misses a minute or a second. 

After figuring out some breakfast options and making coffee, I decided to sit in the media room with my tablet. I kept thinking about how upset I was with Ari and thought I could distract my rage by playing games or looking at web pages. In the end, it didn't matter what I did, because I kept coming back to my anger over the entire situation.

As I thought about everything that Arizona had said (she was right) we had to be careful about how we approached this problem. Renee, again, was now in the middle of dealing with another Torres woman cheating. Granted, this was a completely different situation, but it still didn't make me feel good to know that both of us were involved in hurting Renee.

Arizona and I had talked before bed that night, and with Christmas coming up in a couple weeks, we assumed this probably wouldn't be worked out before the holiday. If by some Christmas miracle it did, that would be a relief. The reality of the situation was however, the odds were not in our favor on this one.

We had already planned to have a Christmas Eve party for our family and friends that year, but now I needed to uninvite my sister and Renee, somehow. I was hoping they wouldn't show, but Arizona reminded me that we never knew about Ari's actions sometimes and pointed out her midnight drunken arrival last Summer at the mountain cabin vacation.

I also didn't want to speak to Ari right now, for fear my temper would get the better of me (as usual) and I'd say something I shouldn't. Arizona suggested she could talk to Renee until I reminded her Ari had burned that bridge for us too. Either my sister was brilliant, or she got damn lucky with how good the cheating "smoke screen" she created actually was.

After over analyzing the situation, I ended up sending my sister a text that day that said, "Plans have changed and I think it's best you don't come to the party, we need privacy right now."

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