Family Is What We Make of It Part II

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Callie's POV:

As I finally got my nerves to settle down, I texted Arizona to let her know I was out front on the porch. 

"Hang on, I'm going to send Renee out front via the back door so she can video Sophia's reaction to your arrival."

"Okay, I'll be here!" I texted back and waited...

A moment later I was greeted by a blond haired woman that had enormous dimples when she was smiled. It half struck me that Renee looked a little bit like Arizona. She looked to be about the same height and age as Arizona, had a dimpled grin, she had light blue eyes and her hair color was similar to my ex-wife's hair color. She also seemed unusually cheerful like my ex and just continued to flash her charming smile as we made our introductions.

"You must be Callie, I'm Renee. It's so nice to finally meet you, I've heard lots about you from everyone. Welcome back to Seattle! I can't wait to see Sophia's face when she opens the door and sees you!"

"It's nice to finally meet you as well, Renee. So, where do you want me to stand so I don't block your video shoot?"

"How about just a little to the right of the door? That way I can shoot from the left side."

"Sounds good to me, let me know when your filming and I'll ring the doorbell," I responded back.

"I'm ready!" Renee announced as she sat on her knees to be the correct height to catch Sophia's reaction.


A few seconds later, the little face I love more than anything else, opened and looked out the door at me. It took her a split second to realize it was me and that I was in Seattle.

"Mommy!! How did you get here?!! Where's Penny?" 

After my daughter asked the question, I thought, 'That's a good question,' about Penny. I still hadn't heard anything from her since last night and hadn't told her yet that I was in Seattle. I am still waiting to see how long it takes for Penny to reach out to me... for a change...

"She had to work, so you're stuck with just me, Kiddo. Come here little munchkin and give your Mom a big hug and a kiss." I picked Sophia up and planted kisses all over her cheeks and face while squeezing her into my chest.

"Mom, you hug really hard!" 

"Sorry, Bug, your Mom has missed you so much this week, so, I am going to spend Thanksgiving with you, your grandparents, your Mama and Renee. How does that sound?" I said, as I put Lil' Miss back down on her feet.

We only heard screams and squeals after that, as my boisterous daughter ran through the 1st floor of the house, excited by the news she got to spend the week with all of us. 

It was at that moment, I noticed Arizona walking towards me. Wow, she still was just as beautiful as I remember with that smile and those gorgeous deep, blue eyes, that sparkled when she grinned.

"Hey Callie, how was your flight?" Arizona inquired as she wrapped her arms around my back and pulled me in for a longer than normal hug. Something inside my chest started to stir, until she pulled away from the embrace we just shared. 

'Get a grip Torres,' I thought to myself, you let that ship sail, long ago.

"It was good, thanks to you. I don't remember the last time I flew First Class. Thank you so much, I ended up sleeping most of the way since my seat recliner was actually quite comfortable. I also didn't sleep much on Monday night, so that helped me conk out pretty quickly."

"I didn't realize you bought the plane ticket, Arizona. That was very generous and kind of you." Renee spoke up. I could tell she was confused why Arizona hadn't mentioned the plane ticket purchase to her.

"I am going to go get dinner started, Callie, do you have any food allergies or things you don't like to eat?" Renee asked.

"Have you seen my figure? I eat pretty much any food you put in front of me!" I laughed as I replied.

With that, Renee grabbed my things and showed me to the guest room on the 1st floor, it was right across the hall from Sophia's bedroom and not far from Arizona's and Renee's master suite.

Arizona popped her head in after Renee and Barbara went to go start dinner. "Hey, do you need anything else?"

"Nope, everything looks to be in order, not shocking though since I know you are a planner!" I smiled as I patted Arizona condescendingly on her left shoulder. 

"Are you tired or do you feel up for taking a walk? I thought the two of us could chat and get caught up with one another? What do you think? Kerry Park is a short walk from my house. I thought we could sit and stare at the Seattle skyline while we talk?"

"Sounds good to me," I responded. "Is Renee okay with us going alone?"

"Oh, gawd yes, she actually suggested we should and with dinner prep it would be a good time to go. Her, my Mom and Sophia are all making dinner together. And at this point, I'm almost certain my Dad is napping on the couch with the evening news on in the background."

"Let's go let the ladies know we are going, so we'll know how much time we have."

With that, Arizona and I headed to the kitchen to say our goodbyes. I watched Arizona kiss her Mom, then Sophia and then she planted a deep and affectionate kiss on her girlfriend's lips. 

I gave Sophia a big kiss and told her to have fun cooking with the girls as we headed to get bundled up for the crisp, Seattle November air. Luckily it wasn't raining, but it can get cold in the Pacific Northwest when we don't have the rain clouds acting like insulation.

As we headed out the front door, Arizona spoke first. "So, we have an hour Renee said before dinner is ready."

"What are we having?" I asked mostly to generate benign conversation and delay Arizona from getting too serious, too quickly, with our chat.

"It's a pasta dish with shrimp, angel hair, garlic, Alfredo, pesto, white wine, mushrooms ... it's something Renee has perfected over the years. I'm guessing she'll make fresh sourdough bread and a basic Caesar or green salad. Sophia on the other hand, will be having Mac and Cheese and homemade chicken tender strips."

"Sounds amazing! I can't wait! That was thoughtful Renee is making her a separate, kid-friendly meal. I'm especially excited I'm not the one cooking it, that's the best part!"

"You do all the cooking I'm guessing in your house?"

"I do, but that's become rarer as Penny's research schedule has shifted into her working most nights. I've been ordering a lot of to go or delivery food the last few months. Thus the reason my curvaceous body has become curvaceous in all the wrong places," I said as I patted my stomach and then my butt. 

Arizona smiled and said, "You're always gorgeous no matter what you weigh or where your curves shift." She wrapped her right arm around my shoulders for the next 20 seconds as she patted my upper right shoulder, reassuringly, with her right hand. 

"So, tell me how things are really going for you, it seems like you've been holding back some things recently. I understand why, but also want you to know you can say anything to me, always. Not many people know you as well as I do, so I thought I should remind you I'm here if you ever need someone that understands."

"Thanks Arizona, I appreciate you saying what you just said. I have been having a tough time the last few months with my relationship, my career and the lack of support in my life. I've been wanting to talk with you, but didn't know if I should. I didn't want you to think less of me, or judge me, or mock me, so I've just kept quiet."

We got to the park and managed to score one of the few benches installed within the park. This is a super small park that is about 4 blocks long and 3 blocks wide. It has a stunning view though of the Seattle skyline with the Space Needle almost in the middle of the view. The sun was in it's last zenith of setting at that point in the late Fall evening. The skyline couldn't have been more picturesque with the last glows of the orange/red, sun highlighting the already illuminated skyline.

Arizona looked at me once we sat down, flashed me her dimpled grin and then gave me her serious look and said, "Okay Torres, spill it! I want to know everything that's been going on with you."

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