It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year... Part II

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Callie's POV:

It was still early morning when Arizona rolled over and snuggled her cold body up against my back. I was half-awake, but even I knew Arizona cuddling me was her way of disguising her current heat-stealing scheme. I was too tired to care though, and just wrapped her arms underneath my own, as I drifted back to sleep.

"Callie... " Arizona was still holding me, but began talking softly in my ear.

"Mmrrrhhmmph?" I was closer to sleep than I was to being awake as I tried to respond to Arizona. "What's wrong? 

"Callie, nothing is wrong, I'm just having trouble sleeping. You should go back to sleep while you can."

"My love, I'm awake. Is there something on your mind Arizona you want to talk about?" I rolled over on my back so Arizona could lay her head on my chest and snuggle into me.

"No, there's nothing I need to talk about Callie. I'm just thinking about all the potential drama we might encounter in the next few days."

"I was silently doing the same thing at the beginning of the night. Why can't Christmas just be Christmas?" I felt Arizona nod her head on my chest and silently agree with me.

"Want to know what my dream is Callie? My dream is for us to spend Christmas on a tropical island at a five-star resort. No cooking, no family drama, just sunshine, sand and lots of blue water. Christmas would finally just be Christmas. There would be no drama, no stress and just paradise as far as the eye can see."

"As fantastic and unobtainable as your dream is this year, if I'm forced to suffer through all this family drama, at least Arizona you'll be by my side as I do it." I picked up Arizona's right hand and kissed the back of it.

"I don't know if that should make me happy to hear or incredibly sad?!" Both of us laughed, kissed one another and then talked about our plans for the day.

Despite the early morning hour (it was 5 am) we decided to get up and start breakfast. We had planned to surprise Soph with a, "make your own pancake breakfast" that particular day before our holiday plans got too hectic. Basically, Sophia would pick her ingredients and then cook her pancakes on our electric griddle. It was such an easy thing to do, but she absolutely loved doing it.

We assumed our daughter wouldn't be up till 6 am, so Arizona and I leisurely prepared all the things we needed while we chatted about our lives, the party and our upcoming Babymoon that was scheduled for January.

Just before 6 am, we heard Sophia get up and head towards the light in the kitchen. Arizona and I were acting like an old married couple and were taking turns reading and swapping sections of the paper when she walked in.

"Morning Moms..." Sophia let out a yawn, it was the type of yawn one emits when they are half-asleep, but still trying to wake up. 

We both stayed seated at the kitchen table, as Sophia went to each of us for morning hugs and kisses. She then plopped down on the bench next to Arizona and dramatically threw her forehead on the table to show us how tired she still was. 

"Arizona, looks like our 9 year old needs coffee!" Arizona had started gently rubbing Sophia's back with her left hand, while drolly looking at me and shuffling the newspaper on the table with her right hand. Arizona just shook her head in disbelief and silently, but obviously scoffed at my sarcasm regarding our daughter's fatigue.

"I'll get right on that Callie, because she needs another addiction besides sugar." Arizona was still rubbing Sophia's back when she set down the paper so she could spitefully start poking at my sides. I started laughing and playfully trying to avoid Arizona's reach, but purposely wasn't successful avoiding her most of the time.

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