I Know What Got Me Here Part II

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Callie's POV:

I had tears in my eyes, as I gazed at the diamond earrings my wife had given me the evening of our 2nd, 1st year anniversary. I was blown away at Arizona's thoughtfulness, but also at the duality of the love that we shared. Exchanging identical gifts, was just an example of our bond and deep seated connection to one another.

It was at this point in the night, that the party took on a life of its own and I was pretty sure our bar tab was going to reflect just how much fun people were having. Admittedly, with the reaccreditation in full swing, most of us felt beaten down. Our party apparently had become our friend's way of blowing off some steam.

As Arizona and I talked with a few guests, I began to notice people starting to drink a little faster and more people head over to dance. Within about 30 minutes of Arizona's speech, most of our work colleagues were on their way to a good time that night, but probably questionable next mornings.

'When in Rome,' I thought, as I grabbed glasses of champagne for Arizona and myself. I rejoined Arizona in time for Renee and Ari to find us. Renee was holding Sophia and Ari had Madelyn in her arms.

"Ladies, this is a terrific party, thanks again for the invitation. I've eaten more food than I should have tonight, but everything was so delicious!" Ari was bouncing Maddy on her hip as she spoke. I couldn't help but smile because of how natural it looked for my sister to have a baby in her arms.

"I've eaten way too many carbs myself and have to up my workout schedule tomorrow to offset the gluttony I've committed tonight." Renee was rubbing Soph's back while holding her, as our oldest snuggled into Renee's side. I could tell both our daughters were winding down for the night as it was well past their usual bedtimes.

"Here Ari, let me take Maddy. I can tell she's more than ready for bed." Arizona had her arms outstretched in Ari's direction when Renee spoke up.

"Well, that's why we wanted to come and talk to you both. We have noticed that the party is starting to rev-up and think you two should stay and have fun. We'd like to make you an official offer we won't let you refuse. Let us watch the girls tonight and you two go enjoy the festivities. As long as you're both okay staying in the treehouse, we'll stay in the house with Soph and Maddy."

I looked at Arizona as she smiled and said, "Gee, let me think about this, hhhmmm. Let's see, uh, Yes! We will take you ladies up on your offer! Like we'd say, No, to having our anniversary night alone?!"

The four of us chuckled as I said, "If you need anything, you know where to find us and thanks ladies for the wonderful, impromptu babysitting gift this evening. Trust me when I tell you that we'll make the most of it!"

I hugged Renee, as Arizona hugged Ari. 

"I'm going to go pack our overnight bag and leave it in the treehouse. I can go inside with you ladies and make sure you know where everything is that you might need."

With that, Arizona took my sister and Renee inside the house for a quick tour and to pack. That's the time Meredith approached me to talk.

"Callie, this was a wonderful party. Thank you so much for inviting us to join in. Ellis is getting cranky however, so we're going to shove off."

"Thanks for coming Meredith and more importantly, thank you for all your support and especially for your friendship all these years. You were a key person in getting us back together and helping us rekindle our romance. I can honestly say that we wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you."

"Oh Callie, you two would have figured it out even if I wasn't in the picture, but I'm glad I was around to be a sounding board for the two of you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if two people were ever meant to be together, it's you and Arizona."

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