Family & Turkey & Football ... Oh My! Part III

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Arizona's POV:

Callie and I had brunch and then headed to Pike Place Market. It's an open air market with all kinds of fresh foods, flowers and handcrafted items. It's been established in Seattle for well over a century. It was also one of our favorite things to do on a lazy day, like today. 

On a clear day, you can easily walk around the market area and see the Sound, the Ferris Wheel and the various piers. 

After I found parking, I realized Callie and I had a usual, unspoken, routine at Pike. We always started at the North end of the market, and worked our way down to the fish mongers on the South end. So, it wasn't shocking when Callie grabbed my left hand, and pulled me along to the North entrance to start our shopping experience. 

It can get rather crowded in and around the market, so I assumed Callie grabbed me to make sure nobody could bump into me and cause me to lose my balance. Even though I have gotten quite skilled with using my prosthetic, Callie was smart to make sure she supported me in the sea of people at the entrance. Callie quickly let go of my hand once we were inside, but I noticed throughout the excursion, she didn't leave my side. It was totally Callie. She's always been so protective of me, even after we split up.

As we always do, we looked at the local artist's booths and bought some things before shopping for flowers and food, as we headed South in the market space. We ended up buying fresh artichokes, garlic, Dungeness Crabs, Coho Salmon and some amazing wild, brown rice for dinner that evening. We both grabbed another coffee from the original Starbucks outside the market, loaded up the car and headed home. It was almost 2 pm and we needed to get back as we figured everyone else was probably already home.

"So, are we going to have our usual tradition of having some drinks and cracking open the crabs?" I asked Callie. "I think my blood alcohol level is back to zero after detoxing the last 6 hours. How are you feeling?"

"I think I finally just sobered up too, the coffee we just bought is helping."

"It's settled then, we'll have family time, get the crabs cracked and have some cocktails! Renee grew up with a family that spent lots of time at the coast and is skilled when it comes to cracking. For once, it will go fairly quickly with the 3 of us." I smiled as I patted Callie's left hand, that was resting on her left knee.

With that, Callie took her right hand and placed it on top of my right hand that was resting on her hand.

"I've missed you being a bigger part of my life, Arizona. Spending today with you, reminded me of how easy it is to talk with you. Why don't we talk to each other more? I know I could use a friend right now, not to mention, nobody knows me as well as you do."

"I agree Calliope, I think we should talk more. I've enjoyed the time we've spent together the last day. And, we do know each other incredibly well, how could we not given how long we were together? We were always best friends throughout our entire relationship, just because we divorced, doesn't mean we can't still be friends."

We both sat there quietly for a few minutes, staring at the passing scenery from the car windows. I realized that Callie had started slowly and gently rubbing the top of my hand. While I knew Renee might not be pleased to see Callie stroking my hand, there was something so comfortable and familiar about her touching me. Part of me felt a sense of contentment I had not felt since we were married. I didn't move my hand for the next 5 minutes and neither did Callie.

As we neared the house, a child on his bicycle, mistakenly timed crossing the road in front of my car. I had to hit the brakes and steer the car in the opposite direction. The whole near accident happened so fast that I had to take my hand back to the steering wheel.

We got back to the house and started extracting the crab meat after being greeted by our daughter, Renee and my parents. Turns out they spent the afternoon at a play facility for kids. Sophia must have had a good time with how fast she was trying to fill us in on all the details of her day. They had gone to Dick's Drive-In for burgers, fries and milkshakes after that. No wonder she's talking a mile a minute, she had more sugar today!

Callie and I made and served dinner for everyone that night. Sophia likes seafood, so she ended up eating what the adults were eating that evening too. My Mom and Renee cleaned up the kitchen in preparation for making the Thanksgiving meal for tomorrow, while Callie and I gave Soph a bath. 

Our daughter was ready for bed after we got her dried off and into her pajamas. She headed in to her room, hopped into bed and waited for Callie and I to join her so we could read a bedtime book together. Callie took over the reading duties and grabbed one of the many books in Sophia's Seattle bedroom. I always used to love listening to Callie read to Soph when we were still together. Callie did the best character voices. She had an ability to bring any story to life by the inflection in her voice and ability to act. 

Sophia was already asleep by the time Callie finished the story. We tucked her in and kissed her goodnight before turning off her lights and leaving her room.

Renee and my Mom had finished the dishes and were sitting in the TV room with my Dad. They were talking mostly, while my Father had the late night news on. Renee had made a fire that was busy cracking and popping from the dry wood that was already steadily, burning. Callie and I joined the group and we all chatted for about a half hour. My parents at this point, got up and wished us all goodnight. My Dad headed to their guest bedroom, while my Mom kissed all of us ladies before going to join my Dad.

"Now what ladies?" asked Renee. "It's only 9 pm, the night is still young! There's tons of wine in the wine refrigerators. We can put on our comfortable clothes, watch a movie and hunker down by the fire, what do you say?"

"Callie was the 1st one up. "You don't have to ask me twice!" She said as she arched her left eyebrow and headed towards her guest room. "Btw, I want a red wine, how about some Pinot Noir?" 

"Let's go get changed sweetie and I'll help you grab the wine and make some popcorn." I leaned over to Renee on the couch and planted a huge, long, deep passionate kiss on her gorgeous lips. "Mmmm, we need to do more of that when we go to bed later on." I said, as Renee moaned with delight and pulled me in for another deep kiss.

"How was your day with Callie, by the way? Did you guys have a good time?"

"We did. We got brunch and then spent some time at Pike, shopping and getting caught up. I know she's at a crossroads right now about her career and relationship with Penny. So, I listened and talked with her about what she wants to do. Webber offered her the Ortho Chief position at Grey Sloan last night. I think Callie is torn about moving back to Seattle, but I'll tell you more about that later on."

Renee and I had already changed and we were in the kitchen getting drinks and snacks for the night when Callie walked in to help us carry things to the TV/media room. 

As the three of us mulled over our viewing options, Renee put another log on the blazing fire and snuggled in with me on the couch. We ended up watching a movie we had already seen, so we could still talk. The next two hours were spent laughing and I was happy to see Callie was getting to know and like Renee. My girlfriend has an ability to make people laugh and Callie wasn't any different. It made my heart happy to see my ex-wife and my girlfriend hit it off so well.

When the movie ended, we said goodnight to one another and headed to our respective rooms. It was going to be an early morning with food prep and after our late night the previous evening, I had no problems falling asleep on my side while I spooned Renee. 

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