Hell Is Just A Sauna Part II

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Callie's POV:

After saying adios to Arizona that late morning, I went back to my sister's room and joined Renee. I waited, while making small talk with Renee, for about 10 minutes before I had to go in order to make it to rounds on time.

"Renee, tell Ari I'll swing back by to see her before I leave today, okay?" Renee smiled and nodded, as she started looking at her cell phone. No doubt she was probably working on reading and returning the hundreds of emails her department churns out everyday, just like mine or Arizona's departments.

I hurried out of Ari's room and grabbed lunch before finding the residents that were rounding with me that day. Since I didn't have much time, I opted for something quick that I could eat on the go, a wrap. The cafeteria usually has a multitude of horrible quick options, but this was one of my palatable go-to's when nothing else looked good. Instead of having one custom made that day, I instead picked up a turkey pesto pre-made wrap. 

Rounds went just fine that afternoon and so did the couple of consults I saw. I still had one consult to go, but before seeing the patient, I decided to swing by again to see Ari for a bit. My consult wasn't scheduled for another hour, so I had time to kill.

As I approached Ari's room, I noticed the door was closed and Renee was sitting in one of two chairs that were up against the wall, just to the right of the door. She had an alarmed look on her face that made me run up to her and Ari's hospital room door.

"What's going on with Ari? Is she okay!? Did something happen to her!?" I was slightly out of breath after my quick sprint to Renee.

I went to reach for the door handle when Renee said, "Callie, Ari's fine, but Arizona's in the room and she doesn't seem happy with your sister. In fact, Arizona kicked me out a couple of minutes ago to, "talk," with her. I wouldn't go in there if I were you."

"Oh please, it can't be that bad." I tried to blow off Renee's concern until I heard Arizona's voice level raise and heard her yell something at Ari. I looked back at Renee with alarmed, wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"She had that, 'Look,' on her face, Callie. It's the look she gets when she's about to lose it and unleash her wrath. I've only seen it twice, but that was enough for me to understand to this day to, 'Get the Hell out of her way,' when she gets that look."

Renee's eyes were still transfixed on Ari's hospital room door in horror, as she spoke to me from her seat in the hall.

"Oh, you mean, 'That Look.' I've seen that look too many times to count and let's face it, a few of those times her 'Look' was directed solely at me." Both of us laughed as I tried to act causal about Arizona reaching her last straw.

But then, the more I thought about being on the receiving end of Arizona's fury I said, "I should probably go check on them just to be safe," and opened the door.

I knew instantly as the door creaked open, it was a bad idea to check on them as Arizona immediately spun her head around in a microsecond and shot me a deadly, serious glare.

"Calliope, shut the door, will you? When we're finished with our conversation, I'll let you know."

I shut the door right away, and quickly took the seat next to Renee in the hallway. 

I knew that 'Look,' and knew better than to push Arizona's buttons right then. While I was concerned for my sister's well being, my survival with my wife mattered more in that moment. It was every Man for themselves at that point.

"That went well just now, I see." Renee giggled at me, as I pursed my lips and nudged her in the side with my elbow. 

It was easy to elbow her given we were sitting in the hallway, side-by-side in chairs. It almost felt like I was back in school and had been sent out to the hallway as punishment for disrupting the class.

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