Cause and Effect

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Arizona's POV:

Madelyn had been home now for close to two weeks. We had developed a routine fairly quickly within the first few days, as Maddy started adapting to life outside my womb and we started adapting to life with Maddy. For the most part, she was a good eater and pretty good at sleeping. Of course, as I learned with Sophia, things can always change and do, as they get older.

Callie and I had been going through a crash course in parenting a newborn again during the last few weeks and were exhausted. Not to speak for Callie, but we both agreed the day before that, we felt and looked like zombies. Thankfully, we had each other and were both off on Maternity leave for another 8 weeks.

That evening was a night like any other night and Callie had just gotten home from picking up Sophia at school. I had begun making dinner but when Callie got home, she took over so I could feed Madelyn. I had started pumping already, but we tended to save those bottles for nighttime feedings when Callie would get up with Maddy.

As Callie took the cooking spoon from me and started inspecting the boiling potatoes to check for doneness, I got Maddy out of her bassinet I had moved to the kitchen, to feed her. She had just started whimpering and was on her way to a full cry, when I picked her up to soothe her. 

Callie set down the potato spoon, drained the potatoes and then joined me while she sat down at the table. As I was holding Maddy tightly up against my chest, she started making loud, sucking sounds.

"She's a good eater, that's for sure!" Callie was smiling at Maddy as she stroked her back. Meanwhile, I had begun to fish one of my breasts out of my nursing bra and let Maddy latch. She immediately started eating as I sat at the kitchen table and talked with Callie.

"Arizona, have you seen our oldest daughter tonight?" I knew already why Callie had asked me her question.

"I did. She came in and said hello to me before going to her room to change. She wanted to get her homework done, so she should be sitting at her desk I'd imagine. Is it me Callie, or does she seem like she's in a mood tonight?"

"Oh, it's not you, she's in a mood." Callie looked down the hall to make sure Soph wasn't within earshot as she moved her chair closer to me. Callie was now right next to my spot at the head of the kitchen table so we could talk without being heard.

"Did she tell you what's bothering her? I asked her if she was okay, but all she would say is that she's, "Fine," before heading to her room. I was going to give her some alone time until dinner, but I can tell something is wrong."

"I can too, Arizona. She was off this morning and was definitely cranky when I picked her up a bit ago. Do you think she's feeling the strain of Maddy joining the family?"

"That's exactly what I think is wrong, Callie. After two weeks of listening to her sister cry and garner most of our attention, I think sibling rivalry has reared it's ugly head."

"Well, we knew it was going to happen eventually and I understand why Soph is starting to feel left behind. We should do something this weekend with her I feel like."

"I think so too, Callie. Any ideas?"

"Actually, on the way home when Soph refused to talk much, I had an idea. What if we arrange a special day on Saturday or Sunday for Sophia to do something with either me or you? I was thinkIng about taking her to lunch and then going to the movies or the sports arcade she loves that's downtown." Callie had an inquisitive look on her face after she spoke, as if to silently seek out my response.

"That's what I was thinking too, Callie. Mind you, I don't want to reward her behavior, but I think having time with one of us to talk about her feelings will help. Plus, it will give us the opportunity to remind her about her little sister and the changes she's brought to our family. I ultimately want Sophia to know how much we love her and how important she is to us, but also want her to understand our love for her hasn't changed in spite of the love we have for Madelyn." 

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