Cabin Fever Part V

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Arizona's POV: 

The next morning, the sunlight started streaming in our bedroom windows around 5:30 am. Our room had a gorgeous stained glass window, that was reflecting the sunlight through it. With the position of the window, half of the room was bathed in dazzling rainbow colors and shapes that seemed to dance just a bit as the intensity of the light continued to build while the sun fully came up.

Both of us had already stirred earlier that morning, but cuddled with one another and fell back asleep for a hour before getting up to our stained glass window light-show. There is something to be said about our comfort level with one another after this many years. I'll be the first to admit that I've never loved anyone the way I love Callie.

"Good morning sleepyhead, how are you?" I kissed Callie, as she was trying to fully open her eyes. Both of us were still naked from our sexual escapades from the night before.

"Mmmm, I'm good, just having a hard time waking up." Callie deeply kissed me on my lips, right before she yawned again.

Her breasts were exposed above the comforter and top sheet and in that moment, I decided to have my way with her. I passionately and aggressively started kissing her lips and she didn't hesitate to kiss me back with the same level of intensity for a few minutes.

"Arizona," we were holding each other's bodies into the other one when Callie spoke, "Do you think we have time to have sex, before Soph wakes up? Lord knows I want to, I just want to make sure we are presentable when she does wake up."

"Callie, I am not sure, but after seeing your boobs, I feel the need to pleasure you and then have you make love to me."

We both returned to our fever pitch of kissing and using our tongues to kiss, our passion had clearly gotten the better of us, because neither one of us heard Sophia over our kissing and caressing of the other one. So, while I had moved down to Callie's breast and had started sucking on them, our daughter opened our bedroom door. We were, thankfully, covered from the waist down, but she saw me sucking Callie's boobs and saw Callie moaning as she held my head against her chest.

"Crap. Sophia, we need you to give us a moment, okay?" As Callie spoke, she had kept me pressed into her, so Sophia wouldn't see our breasts, although, I figured Sophia knew what was truly going on between Callie and myself in that moment . The three of us had talked on and off over the years about romantic love, relationships, body anatomy and sex. We wanted our daughter to hear it from us and not some kid on the playground.

Soph quickly closed the door and we heard her run back down the hall to her bedroom and loudly close the door.

"Well, I guess that answered my question about Sophia this morning. I just didn't want her to see us or traumatize her." 

I quickly kissed Callie's forehead after she spoke and said, "I know, me either. Suppose it could have been worse, she could have caught one or both of us performing oral on each other. Time to get dressed and both go talk to her."

Both of us moaned, as we got up and put on our pajamas, and walked down the hall. We were both dreading how Sophia was going to react to what she had just witnessed between us.

Callie knocked three times before saying, "Sophia, can your Mama and I come in?"

"Yes Moms, you can come in."

We walked in to find her laying on the bed and playing with her tablet. I could tell she was embarrassed to make eye contact with either one of us.

Callie went to one side of the bed and laid next to Sophia, while I laid down on the other side so we could sandwich her.

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