Island Life IV

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Callie's POV:

I had just finished making my girlfriend purr like a kitten, when we collapsed in each other's arms, on what was left of the sheets, that used to be covering our bed. 

I had completely lost count that weekend how many times we had sex, but knew in the last hour, we had both orgasmed twice. Gawd, I've missed Arizona and how her sex drive pairs so well with mine.

"What do you think sweetheart, should we attempt to make dinner before we inevitably roll around together again?" I was stroking Arizona's hair as I asked.

"Callie, I suppose we should. We do need to eat something and that seafood looks pretty incredible." Arizona kissed my mouth deeply for a few minutes. We both threw on t-shirts and our underwear and headed into the kitchen to make dinner.

Once we got focused and stopped making out, I opened up some wine and started helping Arizona open the oysters. This takes some skill, so one doesn't stab or cut themselves while separating the two shells. As a result, we stopped grabbing one another's butts for the next 15 minutes, while we were shucking the bi-valves.

I think the best part about making dinner that night was realizing how much closer we had become by spending time together in just the last two days. I knew our love and affection for each other was already there, but I had no idea how easy it was going to be to find our intimacy again. 

We finally finished the tedious task of opening the oysters and left a half dozen of them on their half shells to eat as an appetizer with some mignonette sauce we purchased at the seafood store. Arizona grabbed one and motioned me to open my mouth. She put on some of the mignonette and tipped the oyster into my mouth. Arizona started kissing me after I had eaten the oyster.

I decided to do the same thing Arizona had just done, and fed her an oyster on a half shell. So, of course, I had to deeply kiss her after she finished eating hers. 

"When did we become this sappy, Callie?" Arizona was widely displaying her dimpled grin back at me.

"I think it happened somewhere in the last 11 years we've been together and known each other?! Must admit though, we are extra sappy this weekend and I love it."

"I do too my sweet girl, I do too. You do realize raw oysters are supposedly an aphrodisiac, Callie, right?! Although, I think we'd be just fine without them tonight."

Arizona stretched her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Oh Arizona, I'm fully aware and plan on having you eat as many as you can tonight." I was seductively winking at Arizona. We finished our oysters and went back to cooking dinner together. 

We had turned on some music, poured some more wine and couldn't seem to take our hands off each other's bodies. Spontaneously, we also broke out and danced with each other a few times, when the songs we loved played. Arizona was just so darn adorable in her t-shirt and lacy panties, I was looking forward to where tonight was going to take us.

We had decided to have dinner at the huge wooden dining room table that faced the water that evening. We had turned on some romantic music, dimmed the lights and scooted as close as we could to one another on the bench that faced the back windows and water. Arizona leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, just as we got settled.

"Callie, I just want you to know how much I love you and how much this weekend has meant to me." Arizona kissed me again, as she grabbed and held my face in her petite, soft hands.

"My sweet girl, I love you and this has been an incredible weekend and I don't want it to end." I held Arizona's face in my hands and pulled her in for a kiss.

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