Let The Summer Shenanigans, Begin! Part II

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Callie's POV:

For a change, our family had an uneventful couple of weeks as the Summer and the month of June continued to roll on. Arizona and I had been busy with work and the girls. Sophia had been busy with her classes, activities and softball. 

Soph had softball practice three times a week and games, twice a week. Thankfully, Arizona's parents were a tremendous help with Soph's rigorous softball schedule or otherwise, I don't know how we'd manage with our somewhat unpredictable work lives. Still, my goal that Summer was to try and make it to every game. 

In addition to my, 'day,' job, I had started working on a malpractice lawsuit that Charley was representing. While I loved being a surgeon, I had been enjoying learning about the law and working with Charley. It was amazing how well we worked together and were able to bounce ideas off the other person. It had made for a fun experience thus far and a good diversion from my usual, boring routine.

"Callie, what do you think? Callie?!" Arizona and I were sitting outside that evening, enjoying a glass of wine on the patio, when I got lost in my own thoughts.

"What did you say, Arizona? Sorry."

She shook her head, mildly frustrated with me and said, "Callie, I asked what you thought about hiring Rachel and Em to make a few meals for our family when we're on vacation? And are you okay? You've been rather distracted lately, even for you." My wife took a sip of her wine and set the glass back down.

"Sorry Arizona, I was just thinking about the new scan that was submitted as evidence in the malpractice case. I really think if a skilled radiologist took another scan, maybe a coronal-cut, it would show a better image of..."

Arizona cut me off, part way through my sentence.

"I know Callie and I'm aware of your concerns with the malpractice suit. You told me all about them this morning, during lunch and on the drive home. At this moment however, is there any chance I can get you to stay with me for a few minutes so we can plan some things for our upcoming Summer vacation?"

I could tell Arizona was annoyed with me, so I tried not to mention the lawsuit again that evening. 

I had been fairly busy the last few weeks with the case, and Arizona had been a trooper about taking care of our daughters in lieu of my absence. So, I understood why Arizona was probably frustrated with my lack of engagement while she was trying to figure things out for our trip in August.

"Yes, sorry. Of course we should see if they are free, I know the family would enjoy that, if they're available to cook for us. I agree, Arizona."

For our last minute Summer vacation, we had decided to stay on the Washington peninsula, yet again. Over the years the coastline in that region had become a regular haunt for Arizona and I, and it's where we celebrated our Babymoon last year and met Rachel.

That Summer we rented a huge house that sat 30 yards off the beach and Pacific Ocean. We decided the more, the merrier, and also invited Arizona's parents and Ari and Renee to join us for all or part of the week. Arizona and I thought a big family vacation would be fun this year, so we made sure to find the nicest accommodations we could.

"Okay, in that case, I'll contact Rachel tomorrow and see what she says. Also, we should start planning other meals for the week so we can make sure we bring anything we can't find on the peninsula or in the rental house."

"Sounds good, Arizona. I trust your judgment." I could feel my thoughts start to circle back to the malpractice case...

"In other words, you're still thinking about the lawsuit? Callie, I'm all for you working on this case, but I'd also like you present in your family's lives when you're not working with Charley. We need you too and I could especially use your help with planning our trip to the beach."

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