"Double, Double, Toil and Trouble" Part IV

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Callie's POV:

It was the morning of Halloween and a busy one for our household. Arizona and I had early surgeries, so we had The Colonel and Barbara come over that day to take Sophia to school.

Sophia wasn't up before we left, so we quietly hugged Arizona's parents and thanked them for their help before getting into our SUV.

As we drove to work, we discussed our evening plans, but for the most part, we were pretty quiet. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but just the opposite. 

In groups, there's always an unspoken social pressure to keep the conversation going, for fear you'll be deemed socially unacceptable. Being in a committed, loving relationship, but not needing to say anything, is truly an incredible feeling. Arizona and I had hit that plateau long ago in our years together and I was grateful to have that feeling back again.

We arrived at work, just before 5 am. Both of us had scheduled procedures at 6 am, so we parted ways before getting ready for our work days and then, changed into our scrubs. Arizona happened to be in the women's locker room, getting ready to change, when I walked in with my scrubs.

"Well, well. How strange to meet you here, Dr. Robbins." I had completely turned up my charm and level of flirting, as I seductively raised my eyebrows a few times at my gorgeous wife.

"Right?! What are the odds Dr. Torres of you, an orthopedic surgeon, stumbling across your beyond sexy wife, who's also a surgeon, in a surgeon's locker room?" Arizona was playing along with my flirting and was keeping right up with me.

We had already moved closer to one another, wrapped our arms around the other one and had started kissing each other.

"I swear you two need to find better places to make out. Bar bathrooms and now locker rooms?! Are you both still that horny for each other after all these years, or just turned on in really non-traditional places to have sex? Either way, I don't want to know. Get a room. And it's too early for you guys to be making out."

Teddy had walked in to the locker room, no doubt to change, and happened across Arizona and I kissing. 

Arizona and I parted ways, but still had our arms around each other, after Teddy spoke. 

That's when I said, "You're just jealous Teddy, because we'll be dressing up later, but it's not going to be for Halloween, if ya know what I mean..." I winked at Arizona and then at Teddy.

"Callie..." Arizona was still playing along with my humor that morning. "We could give it a Halloween spin tonight, just think about it... I could be your naughty nurse turned research victim and you could be the Mad doctor/scientist that needs repeated. . ." 

Teddy cut me off before Arizona could finish describing our sexual role playing, "Seriously you two sicko's, keep it at home. I don't need to see you both in action and really don't need to hear about what happens in your bedroom either."

Teddy shook her head mockingly at us, but also smiled wholeheartedly at our tame, but promiscuous, attraction to each other. 

"How did the meeting go with the attorney the other night, Arizona? I've been meaning to ask you." Teddy was sliding on her scrub top as we were changing out of our clothes we left the house in.

"Oh, it went fine. We just talked over the basics and she asked questions about the procedures we performed. Charley thinks she'll be able to resolve this case in about two months. Isn't that great news?" Arizona was tying her scrub pants as she answered Teddy.

"Let's hope she's right about that timeline, because the sooner this is over, the better. Nobody likes to have a bandage ripped off too fast, but in the end, the quicker it happens, the faster the relief. I see this BS lawsuit as a gigantic bandage with an abundance of excessive adhesive if our attorneys fail."

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