Birthdays Only Happen Once a Year, Thankfully

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Arizona's POV:

After Valentine's Day, the next big occasion was Sophia's birthday in March to plan and celebrate.

Sophia wanted to have a party with her friends from school at a themed kids indoor play/game facility and restaurant that year. So, not long after Callie and I celebrated our romantic night, we started planning Sophia's birthday party. This year she requested the theme be unicorns and rainbows.

Callie and I were sitting at the kitchen table that damp and chilly February night, planning the party that would actually, conveniently fall on Sophia's birthday, the 2nd weekend in March. We had already put our daughter to bed that evening, and I had a legal pad and pen to take notes as we made plans.

Not surprising as surgeons, Callie and I are both perfectionists when comes to anything in our lives. Planning a party was no different and something we both enjoyed doing. It was going to be especially fun this year to plan our daughter's party, now that we were back together as a couple and a family.

"You do realize Arizona we are hosting a rainbow themed party for our daughter? I just hope people don't think we forced the idea on her, but, that Sophia choose the theme on her own. You never know with some, ignorant, people what they will think because we're a lesbian couple and that we must be forcing our, "gay agenda," on everyone. I'd like to give more credit to the parents at Sophia's school, but I never put anything past anyone when it comes to being homophobic."

"Callie, one, Sophia wants unicorns AND rainbows, not just rainbows and two, screw people if they have any issues, it's a kids birthday party, not a White Party at Dinah Shore."

"Good point Arizona, I am overreacting, I know. I just want everything to be perfect for Sophia and I worry what some bigot may say to her. I can't help myself, but I always want to make sure our daughter and you, are protected and feel safe."

"I know Callie, I know. I feel the same way about my two girls as well. I never want either of you to be hurt if I have any control over what happens going forward."

"Now, which one of us is ordering the cake? How about I do it tomorrow, after we look over the sample pictures the bakery sent us tonight?"

"Sounds good, Arizona. I personally liked the white cake with rainbow sprinkles. I thought it incorporated the rainbows and unicorns without looking tacky. Some of those other options were a bit too much for my taste."

"That's the one I picked too, Callie. Great minds think alike it seems, or maybe we've become the same person in the time we've been together." Callie winked at me and then kissed me.

We sat there for the next hour, dividing up the to-do list for the party and started the guest list. Sophia would have invited the entire school if we let her, so we had already discussed limiting the party to around 20 kids and their parents. No way was I going to police 20 kids that day with Callie and figured the price we were paying for the parent's food, was well worth it for the sake of our sanity.

After we finished up our initial plan of attack for the party, we decided it was time to get ready for bed and headed into our bedroom. We brushed our teeth and both of us pulled back our hair before putting on our pajamas, and snuggling into bed together.

"Callie, I talked to my Mom today and she and my Dad would like to stay with us during Sophia's birthday, would you be okay with that sweetheart? If not, I can put them up in a hotel."

"Arizona, of course I'm fine with that, I love your parents and Sophia would love to have them stay here. There's more than enough room for them whenever they want to visit. By the way, I assume with how close you are with your Mom that you told her we're back together?"

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