Thanksgiving Is Coming

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Arizona's POV:

It was Tuesday morning around 6 am that the door to our bedroom came swinging open full force by a supercharged Sophia. Clearly my little Lovebug slept soundly last night to be full of this much energy so early in the morning. Normally Soph is a slow starter in the early hours and can be tough to wake up, that was not her problem this morning, however.

"Incoming!" I announced to Renee who was starting to stir after our door was loudly flung open seconds ago. At that exact moment, Sophia had climbed onto my side bedrail and flung herself bellyflop style partially on me and partially on Renee. We both grunted as Sophia's 45 pounds of dead weight landed soundly on top of us both.

"Good morning, Mama and Renee!" My adorable daughter said as she kissed us both on the cheek and bear hugged us both.

"Good morning Sophia," Renee and I both said in almost half awake, unison.

"Did you sleep okay, Lovebug?" 

"I did Mama! What's for breakfast Renee?" Clearly my daughter had figured out yesterday Renee was her go to for food in our house. Even half awake, I started laughing out loud as I asked Renee, "What is for breakfast by the way, my other Love?"

"Miss Sophia, what do you want me to make you for breakfast?" Asked Renee as she started tickling Soph's sides until she squealed.

"Waffles with strawberries and chocolate milk," she responded while trying to tackle Renee in an effort to stop Renee's tickle attack.

I'm not even sure why I bothered to ask her this, but I rolled over to face my girlfriend and asked, "You really have all the ingredients to make Belgium waffles with strawberries?!" 

"I do!" She smiled quite proudly at herself.

Of course she does I thought... no wonder our bill at Costco last Sunday had been close to $500 between all the food for the week and the Thanksgiving meal!

"Guess I should get cracking then," Renee said getting up and kissing us both on the forehead. "You ladies stay cozy in here, and I'll get breakfast started. I'll bring you some coffee in a moment, Arizona."

I could hear my parents and Renee talking in the kitchen while the smell of coffee and bacon were starting to overtake the house. Renee came back a few minutes later and set down a cup of coffee for me on my bedside table.

"Thanks Sweetie, but before you leave, I need a kiss."

Renee smiled her electrifying smile and kissed me quickly, but deeply. "Tell Santa I've been good this year and I deserve a present later on." 

"I promise I will vouch for you and I'll make sure you get many presents sooner than later," I said, as I winked at Renee and swatted her in the butt while she walked away from my reach. I could hear her in the kitchen moments later, laughing and talking with my parents.

"Should we get up, Bug, and see what grandma and grandpa are up to? It sounds like they are in the kitchen with Renee."


We both got out of bed, Sophia ran down the hall to the kitchen, while I stayed behind to put on my prosthetic leg and some pajama pants to match Renee's old college t-shirt I had assumed ownership of a few months back. 

After saying good morning to my folks, I went over to the coffee carafe and topped off my coffee cup. I made sure to kiss my girlfriend's cheek as she was standing inches from the coffee pot, busying herself with turning bacon, cooking waffles and making a strawberry compote.

In no time, Sophia had been served first and was ecstatic to discover Renee had also bought whipped cream for her strawberry waffles. "My daughter is going to need a junk food detox center when this week is over," I said as the adults laughed and I tickled Sophia's side that was closest to me.

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