Rumor Has It

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Arizona's POV:

The rain had started falling down in a hard and rapid frequency as Callie and I spent the late morning napping together. Due to the noise of the rain hitting the roof, it had woken us, well, me first.

As the first of us to wake up, I let Callie continue to lay on my chest, who was gently snoring and drooling, slightly.  

Sad to say, but this was something I had missed and got reacquainted with....Callie's normal, but, erratic sleeping behavior I noticed is unbelievably, adorable. Even if she drools, snores and talks in her sleep, she's all mine.

Eventually the noise from the fast falling precipitation made Callie start to stir. I started gently rubbing her back and kissed her forehead.

"Good afternoon, my sleeping beauty. Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept amazing, I think it's because of how you wore me out before I fell asleep and the fact I have the most beautiful, girlfriend pillow, ever. What time is it Arizona?"

"It's one o'clock, we slept for almost two hours."

"Wow, I knew I was tired, but wow. Did you sleep okay, Arizona?"

"I did, I had the most gorgeous girl keeping me snuggled and warm, I think that might have helped, maybe." I gave Callie that look I give when I'm trying to be cute and sarcastic all at the same time. Callie once told me it's the same look that made her fall in love with me when we first started dating.

"Are you finally hungry, Arizona? I don't care if you aren't, I still want you to eat something and think we should figure out dinner before we start making out again."

No big shock, but we both started making out again for the next couple of minutes, at the mere suggestion of being able to make-out. Good grief, our sex-drives paired together could power a small planet. 

"Callie, we could order food since Sophia is with Meredith tonight, right?! Or just eat leftovers? I have other things in mind tonight... don't you?"

"Leftovers Arizona, and I am beyond not having my way with you..."

"Callie I feel the same way about you. I know we said we'd take things slow, but I'm incredibly horny for you and have been since I saw you during Thanksgiving week. I had almost forgotten how strongly we are physically attracted to each other."

"I guess we'll have to see where this evening takes us then, Arizona."

And like two teenagers, we were all over each other again. We continued making out and getting more heated when the doorbell rang.

"It's probably Meredith here to get Sophia's over night bag, I'll get the door." Callie hopped out of bed and put her shirt and pants back on. 

I overheard Callie and Meredith talking, which lasted all of about 3 minutes. Before the door closed, I heard Meredith yell into the house, "Hi Arizona! Don't have too much fun tonight," she was laughing as she spoke.

The rest of afternoon and evening, we spent pretty much in each other's arms. I think finally just having the ability to touch and be touched by the other one, had blown our minds. While we took a bath that night together, I knew we should wait just awhile longer. I was enjoying getting to physically know Callie again and I could tell she felt the same.

We fell asleep after making out and "watching" TV that night. Truth be told, I paid no attention to the TV and was just paying attention to Callie. It felt incredible to kiss her and not need to hide it or feel guilty about it. My hands couldn't explore enough of Callie's body that day. I just wanted to hold her and caress her soft, silky skin.

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaWhere stories live. Discover now