Fall Breeze & Autumn Leaves Part II

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Callie's POV:

As we exited the elevator, Arizona and I headed towards curtain 3, where our 9 year old patient and residents were waiting for our consults.

When we walked in the room, we were greeted by a few interns, residents of various levels, but most importantly, the patient's parents. Owen Hunt was busy in the room, directing nurses and other staff members while he finished ordering a litany of other necessary tests, given the little boy's injuries.

When he finished barking orders to a 2nd year resident of what to order, he turned to acknowledge our presence in the chaos. "Dr. Robbins, Dr. Torres, perfect timing. Let me catch you up to speed."

He cleared his throat for a moment, took a deep breath and started speaking again. "This is Kyle, a 9 year old that is post-MVA, bicycle versus SUV. Kyle was riding his bike in front of his house, when the vehicle speed through the neighborhood at a high rate of speed and struck him before leaving the scene. Kyle was wearing a helmet and has remained alert and orientated x 3 since being found in less than a minute after the accident. He complains of generalized abdominal tenderness and has obvious, multiple lacerations and contusions. I've ordered standard tests, but in addition, a CT of the chest, abdomen and left upper leg that appears to be broken in two places."

"Thanks Dr. Hunt, sounds like we will be taking over from here," I said, as Arizona and I quickly sprang into doing an overall assessment of Kyle, while also asking him questions about how he was feeling.

Both Arizona and I were individually directing others in the room to order other tests, depending on what we were seeing, before, briefly, talking to Kyle's parents as we were waiting to get Kyle in for his CT's. 

"Hi. I'm Dr. Arizona Robbins, the chief of Peds surgery and fetal surgery, this is my colleague, Dr. Callie Torres, who is the chief of Orthopedic surgery." We both walked over and shook hands with both parents.

That's when Kyle's Mom started raising her voice at both Arizona and myself. Thankfully, this wasn't our first rodeo as surgeons in the ER and understood the Mom's reaction to what her son was going through. 

"Why aren't you doing more for Kyle? He's in pain and needs help and ALL you people can do is sit around and discuss everything! If I would have known this hospital was ran this poorly, I would have gone somewhere else!!" 

The husband tried to hold his wife and subdue her, but that only inflamed her more to raise her voice. "I have no problems hiring an attorney after this to sue your asses, Dr. Hunt's and this entire hospital for Kyle's lack of care!"

Arizona and I both exchanged knowing looks at one another as if to signal, we both needed to assuage this Mom to some extent as we were waiting on the STAT CT scans.

I spoke with the fourth year resident in the room to quickly let her know we'd be just outside the room and to keep an eye on Kyle and getting his CT's, as Arizona motioned the parents outside. Moments later, I walked out to hear Arizona saying this to Kyle's parents'...

"I know you are both worried and concerned, but please know we are doing everything we can for Kyle right now. He is our top priority patient and I promise you Dr. Torres and myself are trying to speed things along as quickly as possible so we know more. We also don't want to worry Kyle right now, so staying calm and reassuring in front of him is the best thing all of us can do."

Clearly the Mom had flipped out and hopefully wasn't normally this big of bitch, but we understood her stress, regardless. Unfortunately in her anger, she crossed a line you shouldn't with physicians that are treating you or your family members, ever. Nonetheless, we are both used to it after so many years. People act differently when their loved one's life is on the line.

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizonaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें