It's a New Day, It's a New Dawn

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Arizona's POV:

It was December 26th, and Sophia and I were at the SeaTac Airport, waiting for my parent's at their security gate. 

Sometimes I don't think the new reality I have with my daughter has truly set in. Standing with my arms around her as we waited, she leaned back and into the front of my legs, it hit me. Going forward, Sophia was going to be with me and within arm's reach, whenever I wanted her. It made my heart soar when I thought about having her as a permanent fixture in my life again.

Even though I was lost in my own thoughts, I managed to spot my parents seconds later, as they greeted Sophia and I. 

My Dad got down on one knee and swooped Sophia up in his arms, so he and my Mom could simultaneously kiss her opposite cheeks. Sophia beamed from ear to ear as she giggled.

"Hi, I'm just your only daughter. I'll just stand here and wait til you greet me..." I was giving my parents a hard time, and they should have known it from the look on my face and my raised eyebrow.

"Arizona! You know we love you too." My Mom took what I said literally, and gave me a gigantic "Bear Hug," while kissing my cheek. My Dad and I exchanged knowing expressions as he laughed when I hugged him next.

"Where's Renee?" My Mom asked curiously.

"She and Callie are at home making dinner together. I believe they are making enchiladas tonight." 

"Sounds good Arizona, we should probably start heading towards your house then." My Dad is always so matter of fact, but it's one of the things I appreciate about him.

Within 45 minutes, we were all home again. We walked into a house filled with food aromas. I helped my parents get settled in the upstairs guest room and then went downstairs to the kitchen. Callie and Renee were having a conversation about knee replacements as they seemed to be finishing up with our dinner.

"Hey ladies, how's it going?" They both looked up from their prep work and smiled when they saw/heard me.

Callie spoke first. "So far, so good! Dinner should be ready in about a half hour."

I had walked over and hugged Renee from behind. "How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm good, just finishing up the guacamole. Everything go okay at SeaTac?" Renee was using a mortar and pestile to blend all the ingredients.

"Yep, everything went smoothly. Sophia is upstairs helping them unpack as we speak." I kissed my girlfriend's cheek as I released her from my hug. 

"Is there anything I can do to help, ladies?" I was looking back and forth between their faces.

"Any chance you'd want to set the table? There's a margarita on the rocks in your future if you do." Renee was flashing her sarcastic smile while raising her eyebrows.

"Well, when you put it that way..." I winked at Renee as I grabbed utensils, napkins and plates. 

Dinner that night was phenomenal. Callie made red/green enchiladas, in celebration of Christmas, that were incredible. I forgot how much I loved her family recipes she had perfected over the years.

Plus, having my family all together again, was an indescribable feeling. It gave me a sense of security and fulfillment that is complete and one that is hard to come by in this world.

After dinner, we got comfortable in the media room, while loosely watching TV with Sophia as the adults got caught up. 

That's when my Mom said, "Callie, I'm so sorry we missed meeting your girlfriend over Christmas."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang