The Calm Before the Storm Part III

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Arizona's POV:

It was the early evening of our second night at the spa hotel and the night I had arranged for us to have a private dinner in our room. 

I had spoken with the head chef a few weeks back and discussed possible menu options based on our shared food likes. The chef was impressed that neither one of us were picky, but more or less that we were adventurous eaters and would generally try most things. After hearing some of our favorite things, he sounded excited about the dinner and hung up.

'Great...' I started thinking after hanging up the phone. What did I just get myself into? This meal was going to set me back for sure. 

Oh well, I figured this weekend was kind of an early celebration for our anniversary, so I justified the cost. After this last year and everything we had gone through together, Callie deserved something special. I knew this dinner was the least I could do for her and also started thinking about what else I was going to do for our anniversary. 

I mean, it's not everyday that you get to celebrate your 2nd, first year wedding anniversary...

After our hour long facials that early afternoon, Callie and I went back to our room and took a nap together. That wasn't our initial intent, but after having the relaxing facial and our lack of sleep that morning, the bed proved to be too tempting to say, No, to. 

It was so us and probably a bit 'too cute,' to others, but when we returned to our room, we realized the maid service had been through. 

(It was a good thing we picked up our lingerie from last night that was strewn around the suite, before going to the spa. Although, I'm certain the staff has seen far worse things than two women's lingerie that was thrown about before they had sex with one another.)

So, our hotel bed was now made, but turned down. The big, fluffy down comforter looked so inviting in juxtaposition to our bedroom views of the grey and ominous storm clouds surrounding the hotel. The Spring rain continued to come down in large bursts that day, before subsiding and changing to a drizzle between the cells.

Naturally when we saw the gloom of the storm, the inviting bed and we had just finished a relaxing facial, we succumbed to a nap. The funny part is how we both decided, and we did it in unison. 

We both walked in the room, looked at the bed, looked outside and then looked at one another. When I looked over at Callie to see what she was thinking, her face had the same, 'Wanna take a nap?' look that mine did. We both started laughing when we realized our shared desire to sleep and then turned to undress each other. Callie held my hand and helped me into bed, while she then crawled in next to me. 

I pulled the sheet and comforter up to our shoulders, as Callie wrapped her arms around me so she could spoon me. In no time, we both fell asleep and slept very soundly for the next hour. That's when I heard my cell phone start ringing and realized from the ringtone that it was from one of Sophia's devices. 

Callie knew it was our daughter calling too from the ringtone and quickly reached over to the nightstand to grab and hand me my phone. As I glanced at the caller ID, it was a video call from Sophia which is when I realized we were both naked. Callie had the same epiphany about us being naked and jumped up to grab our robes. I quickly slung my robe on and threw the covers up as I sat up in the bed. 

Finally, I was presentable enough to answer Sophia's call.

"Hey Bug, how are you?" I opened the call to see Sophia sitting in her room, on her bed. Her hair was pulled back and she was wearing a tie-dyed t-shirt she made last year with Callie when we were on vacation at Mt. Rainier. 

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