Family & Turkey & Football ... Oh My! Part IV

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Callie's POV:

My human alarm clock came running into my bedroom at 6 am, making turkey noises and wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving while she flopped on top of me. Her joy for life always brings a smile to my face and makes me love her even more when she wakes me with such enthusiasm.

Thankfully I was on vacation, so the early morning hours she was keeping the last 2 days, didn't bother me. Plus, I think I was still somewhat on Eastern time, so to me, it seemed more like 9 am.

"Are you hungry Mom? Want to go eat breakfast? Renee and Mama are almost done making it."

"Sure, Baby Girl, give your Mom a few minutes and I'll meet you in the kitchen, okay?"

"Okay!" she said as she went bounding down the hall."

"Hey you, get back here! You didn't give me a hug and kiss." I said, pretending as if I had hurt feelings.

"Sorry!" She ran back in my room, leapt back on top of me, squeezed me tight, and kissed my lips.

"Okay, now you can go, Lovebug." I patted her on her butt, and, off Sophia went.

I got up, got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth. I was just getting ready to exit the bedroom when my phone rang. I looked down at my Home Screen and realized it was Penny. 

'Great, just what I need to start my day.' I already knew I was going to be in trouble, but I didn't find myself caring. I still can't believe she hadn't even texted or talked to me since Monday night and it was already Thursday morning.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where the Hell are you?! Penny sounded upset and angry when she asked.

I cooly said, "I'm in Seattle, spending time with Sophia and my friends. Since you decided to leave me alone for the week, I decided to do something other than sit in the apartment, alone."

"What?! You went to Seattle and couldn't bother to tell me!? I came home this morning to spend the day with you until I need to go back into the lab tonight."

"Do you want a medal then or something for being the girlfriend of the year? Because frankly, you haven't bothered to check on me since Monday night." I could feel the anger in my voice start to ramp up.

"Callie, I thought you could use some time alone to cool off, I wasn't intentionally trying to ignore you, I swear. Let me guess though, you are staying with your ex-wife, aren't you!?"

"I am. Arizona offered me the use of one of her guest rooms and with Sophia being with Arizona this week, it just made sense. What do you care? Arizona is with Renee and her parents are here. It's not like there is anything going on other then spending time with my friends, Sophia and Arizona's family."

"And Arizona," Penny replied in a snarky tone.

"Calliope, I do care. I love you and I miss you. I was excited we got to spend some time together today, instead, you went running back to Arizona. I have always felt like you have forever compared me to Arizona and I never measure up!" 

"Do not Calliope me, Penelope! You are never home and always in the lab. I am sick and tired of living alone in New York with Sophia and hardly ever seeing my girlfriend. Our relationship is falling apart and all you care about is your research. So do not even start in with me. In fact, I am taking time this week to think things through and I suggest you do the same."

I could hear Penny start to softly cry on the other end, but my fiery, Latin, temper got the better of me and I continued. 

"We need to talk when I get back. Until then, I refuse to argue over the phone or further let you ruin my vacation. I must admit, these last 2 days have been fun and easy. I can't remember the last time I was this happy, laughed or smiled this much."

The Aftermath of Callie and ArizonaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin